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Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 6:31 pm
by kittmaster
I have an idea of why it is failing and I called in some help outside the forum, hopefully they will respond. Part of it is the actual installation script itself, so it is going to come down to US helping OURSELVES.

I will be creating another post, but the short if it is, we need someone who understand Linux and can review the installation scripts. The actual packager seems to be fine and the new operational variables are implemented, but there are several calls to the root:root and that is most likely what is causing the failure.

I don't know enough about linux to get around it and I'm trying to see if I can find a workaround.

So if you know anyone who can help, I suggest we call them in and maybe we can sort his out and fix it ourselves.

Stay tuned, hopefully we can get it sorted.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 9:14 pm
by Meelis
I keep eye on this topic and if some solutions i will wrote here.
I used for funn ChatGPT to see what he will say about it.
Review the Script:
Start by looking through the installation script. Identify the parts where it requires root privileges (usually commands with sudo or directly manipulating system files). Note down these sections.

User Permissions:
Ensure that the user you intend to use for the installation has sufficient permissions. If the script requires specific permissions, grant them to the user.

Modify Script Commands:
For each command that requires root privileges, try to rewrite it so it can be executed without elevated permissions. For example, instead of copying files to system directories, you might copy them to a directory where the user has write permissions.

Original (with sudo):

Copy code
sudo cp file.txt /usr/local/bin/

Copy code
cp file.txt ~/my_directory/
Install in User Directory:
If possible, modify the script to install the software in a directory owned by the user rather than a system directory. This is a common practice for software that doesn't require system-wide installation.

Make sure all dependencies required by the script are installed and accessible by the user.

Test your modified script thoroughly. Ensure that the software is functioning correctly and that no unexpected issues arise.

Update any relevant documentation or comments in the script to reflect the changes you made and any specific requirements for users running the script.

Ask for Help:
If you encounter specific issues or error messages during the modification process, feel free to seek help from online forums or communities. Others may have faced similar challenges and can provide guidance.

Remember to create backups before making changes, especially if the script interacts with critical system files. Additionally, note that some software may have legitimate reasons for requiring root privileges, and modifying the script might not be feasible without compromising functionality or security. Always exercise caution and adhere to security best practices.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 12:38 pm
by kittmaster
So I was thinking about this method prior to your post, I am thinking, if we can't use Root, maybe the trick might be to CREATE a dedicated user on the system FIRST as a requirement that is universal to the package and generic to everyone.

In this case, the user would be called "Serviio" and we would set up that users permission specifically to get it installed.

This would require steps, but it is sounding like the only option that may work.

Also, when you modify your post, it doesn't trigger an email response, so I only saw this response by accident. Be sure to add a new post response so it sends a response so I know you sent something. :)

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:08 pm
by Meelis
kittmaster wrote:So I was thinking about this method prior to your post, I am thinking, if we can't use Root, maybe the trick might be to CREATE a dedicated user on the system FIRST as a requirement that is universal to the package and generic to everyone.

In this case, the user would be called "Serviio" and we would set up that users permission specifically to get it installed.

This would require steps, but it is sounding like the only option that may work.

Also, when you modify your post, it doesn't trigger an email response, so I only saw this response by accident. Be sure to add a new post response so it sends a response so I know you sent something. :)

Btw... I dont remember exactly but Plex working in same method. Its creating for first user "plex" to NAS then installing itself. Somehow like this. That might be the solution for us. Make a user serviio, if needed then to give premissions and theoretically it should work i think.
If you could edit the package for user called serviio i could try to install again.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:11 pm
by kittmaster
We will have to try this in stages, I will have to do a "simple" installer that "only" creates the user and nothing else... just to see if I can do it... and see if it gives it all the rights..... nothing more.... if it does.... we can check its status.... if that works... then I can look to see if I can fudge the rest to all point to that user...

Game for that?

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:35 pm
by Meelis
Lets do it, Give me a installer and ill check how it goes.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:36 pm
by kittmaster
How real time can you do this? I'm on East coast time, I have a basic one put together right now.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:41 pm
by kittmaster
Added new file, it "should" create a new "user" called "Serviio" and it "should" be set up as an Admin.

Please verify this does.

The program does NOT install Serviio, it WILL install something call "dummy" .. I tested it on Synology's live demo site, so I know it installs, but the user account doesn't show up... so not sure if its them or a programming issue.


Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:33 pm
by Meelis
kittmaster wrote:Added new file, it "should" create a new "user" called "Serviio" and it "should" be set up as an Admin.

Please verify this does.

The program does NOT install Serviio, it WILL install something call "dummy" .. I tested it on Synology's live demo site, so I know it installs, but the user account doesn't show up... so not sure if its them or a programming issue.


Hi kittmaseter, i am located in EU. Time zone is +2. So, it is a bit different from your one ;)
I did a installation try. see attached pictures...

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:35 pm
by Meelis
The last result added here... (3 pictures was max in post)

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Wed Jan 17, 2024 11:37 pm
by kittmaster
Ok, I was doing some research, it seems there was a few different way to create the user, I'm looking to see if I can nail down what the correct way to do it is.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:59 pm
by kittmaster
I took this the step further. This is way more complicated that I expected so I had to figure out how to test locally without screwing up my system. I found a way to install DSM7 on a Windows VMware machine. Got it up and running and it appears to be just the ticket to carry on.

The dev is going to be long and slow, I have to do this in baby steps to figure out what my next moves are. I am hoping to update progress as I go, but don't expect another .spk until I can get further in.

So the good news is, here is a screenshot if it on the VM fully operational and I've already installed packages on it both dummy and real and it works exactly the Synology hardware would. So now I have real test bed to make sure it really works and it won't screw up anyone's machine trying stuff out.

The nice thing about VMs is you can revert them via snapshots meaning, I took a snapshot of the operating system as soon as it was fully up and running with no added packages or any type of modifications as if I just took the hardware out of the box. So if something corrupts, I just restore back to the snapshot and start over. So there's that.

Screenshot 2024-01-18 113035-edit.jpg
DSM7 in a VM
Screenshot 2024-01-18 113035-edit.jpg (461.18 KiB) Viewed 3572 times

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 11:55 am
by Meelis
kittmaster wrote:Ok, I was doing some research, it seems there was a few different way to create the user, I'm looking to see if I can nail down what the correct way to do it is.

Hi Kittmaster,

How is going, any news and sucsess? :roll:

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Jan 22, 2024 1:25 pm
by kittmaster
There is a little of both but nothing that gets us close to the finish line.

What I've discovered is that Java 8 is no longer supported on DSM7 or will it even install due to root permissions denial, which I think most of have known. Ok. There is however, Java 11 from openJDK which is the "replacement". One would think that this would be the savior of the critical part that Serviio needs to operate since it is Java based. Well, yes.... and no. Yes, to make it run, no because DSM no longer allows Global variables that Java 8 allowed on DSM6 primarily known as "Java_Home". So our installation scripts check for this variable and guess what... it doesn't exist therefore, installation fails.

The tool that I have been using to work this problem (Windows based and the author is AWOL) is buggy at best and it got to the point of using 7zip to decompile and using the buggy tool to reassemble was just not working out....... Soooooo I literally said screw it... I ended up having to create a virtual machine and built a Ubuntu environment using 22.04 which is not the latest but one less down and I guess recommended by all accounts. I got to say, what a fucking odyssey it has been to learn that ecosystem. I do dev in Visual Studio all the time and while not a master, pretty ok at it. The permission bullshit it takes to just do a simple copy and paste between folders took almost a day to figure out after combing multiple sites just to figure out how basic permissions work, home directories, what bash even means,.... Jesus Christ I've have full respect for people like patters who enjoy Linux, but that shit will never be mainstream and for good reason.

Then I finally arrived to the point where I could build the "example" package of Synology's example: ... nment.html

Once I sorted that out, I started to figure out how to baby step in the Serviio scripts to see what is what.. figuring out what is root, what isn't, using a few programs that helped rewrite root functions to user called "serviio" and paste that back in... so trying to stitch it all back together piece by piece.

I'm still at the part of figuring out how to be able to get Java 11 to replace 8. I know how to mod the scripts, 11 does install correctly, it is modding the scripts to "find" the new install locations during the preinstall process checks to verify it is installed correctly before Serviio gets installed... this is part of the process so Serviio doesn't crash the system when it try to call Java if it isn't there. So that is the rub, getting all of that sorted out... it is slow, painful, and tedious. I am learning as I go... and it is keeping me up at night trying to figure this shit out... with no help.

So it is going to take a minute. I don't think it is in surmountable as many other packages that use Java are working, I just hope I can figure out what is needed to get this setup and working correctly.

I personally believe that a class action suit should be filed against Synology and slap them across the face for his kind of heavy handed shit. This is my/our hardware and they have really made life miserable without an option allow me to accept a risk on my own behalf. Even Microsoft learned this lesson long ago, Synology think they are Apple, they aren't.

Incase I haven't said it... Linux sucks.

So I don't have anything new to provide, it is ongoing at this point until I can get it to install on my virtual machines and it appears I have a fully functional dev environment and a fully functional DSM7 to verify. When/If I get to the point I have an .spk that finally installs and "works", I'll be posting it to see if we have a solution.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:05 pm
by Meelis
kittmaster wrote:There is a little of both but nothing that gets us close to the finish line.

What I've discovered is that Java 8 is no longer supported on DSM7 or will it even install due to root permissions denial, which I think most of have known. Ok. There is however, Java 11 from openJDK which is the "replacement". One would think that this would be the savior of the critical part that Serviio needs to operate since it is Java based. Well, yes.... and no. Yes, to make it run, no because DSM no longer allows Global variables that Java 8 allowed on DSM6 primarily known as "Java_Home". So our installation scripts check for this variable and guess what... it doesn't exist therefore, installation fails.

The tool that I have been using to work this problem (Windows based and the author is AWOL) is buggy at best and it got to the point of using 7zip to decompile and using the buggy tool to reassemble was just not working out....... Soooooo I literally said screw it... I ended up having to create a virtual machine and built a Ubuntu environment using 22.04 which is not the latest but one less down and I guess recommended by all accounts. I got to say, what a fucking odyssey it has been to learn that ecosystem. I do dev in Visual Studio all the time and while not a master, pretty ok at it. The permission bullshit it takes to just do a simple copy and paste between folders took almost a day to figure out after combing multiple sites just to figure out how basic permissions work, home directories, what bash even means,.... Jesus Christ I've have full respect for people like patters who enjoy Linux, but that shit will never be mainstream and for good reason.

Then I finally arrived to the point where I could build the "example" package of Synology's example: ... nment.html

Once I sorted that out, I started to figure out how to baby step in the Serviio scripts to see what is what.. figuring out what is root, what isn't, using a few programs that helped rewrite root functions to user called "serviio" and paste that back in... so trying to stitch it all back together piece by piece.

I'm still at the part of figuring out how to be able to get Java 11 to replace 8. I know how to mod the scripts, 11 does install correctly, it is modding the scripts to "find" the new install locations during the preinstall process checks to verify it is installed correctly before Serviio gets installed... this is part of the process so Serviio doesn't crash the system when it try to call Java if it isn't there. So that is the rub, getting all of that sorted out... it is slow, painful, and tedious. I am learning as I go... and it is keeping me up at night trying to figure this shit out... with no help.

So it is going to take a minute. I don't think it is in surmountable as many other packages that use Java are working, I just hope I can figure out what is needed to get this setup and working correctly.

I personally believe that a class action suit should be filed against Synology and slap them across the face for his kind of heavy handed shit. This is my/our hardware and they have really made life miserable without an option allow me to accept a risk on my own behalf. Even Microsoft learned this lesson long ago, Synology think they are Apple, they aren't.

Incase I haven't said it... Linux sucks.

So I don't have anything new to provide, it is ongoing at this point until I can get it to install on my virtual machines and it appears I have a fully functional dev environment and a fully functional DSM7 to verify. When/If I get to the point I have an .spk that finally installs and "works", I'll be posting it to see if we have a solution.

Kittmaster, is there any good news for share? :roll:

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:41 pm
by kittmaster
Nothing new to report, I had to step back for a bit, I'll get back to this.

It is a 3 prong issue, ensuring a proper Java install from 8 to 11, rewriting the installation scripts and rewriting all root user to permissioned user and knowing where to place all the files... I got frustrated and had to pause... when I get my wits about it.. I'll lean back in... I'll update anything new, promise...

It is funny though...everyone I ask for help...... the typical asshole response..... use response.... fuck off.

Synology really has screwed people with their heavy handed BS here.


Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 10:11 am
by Meelis
kittmaster wrote:Nothing new to report, I had to step back for a bit, I'll get back to this.

It is a 3 prong issue, ensuring a proper Java install from 8 to 11, rewriting the installation scripts and rewriting all root user to permissioned user and knowing where to place all the files... I got frustrated and had to pause... when I get my wits about it.. I'll lean back in... I'll update anything new, promise...

It is funny though...everyone I ask for help...... the typical asshole response..... use response.... fuck off.

Synology really has screwed people with their heavy handed BS here.


I see here one java 11 OpenJDK. Maybe helpful...

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Mon Feb 05, 2024 12:43 pm
by kittmaster
Meelis wrote:
kittmaster wrote:Nothing new to report, I had to step back for a bit, I'll get back to this.

It is a 3 prong issue, ensuring a proper Java install from 8 to 11, rewriting the installation scripts and rewriting all root user to permissioned user and knowing where to place all the files... I got frustrated and had to pause... when I get my wits about it.. I'll lean back in... I'll update anything new, promise...

It is funny though...everyone I ask for help...... the typical asshole response..... use response.... fuck off.

Synology really has screwed people with their heavy handed BS here.


I see here one java 11 OpenJDK. Maybe helpful...

Yes, that is the upgrade path and what I have installed. What has to change is the installer scripts to deal with using it and checking for it. Because Java 8 used "global variables" that would exist via access of the root user, the variable "java_home" is "checked" during installation and if not found cancels the installation. So the scripts have to be rewritten to verify if "any" version of Java 8 or greater is installed at their relative installation path locations. I sorted some of that out already I just haven't spent much time on it as I have other irons in the fire. I will get back to it when I get a clearer focus on it.

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 2:18 pm
by Meelis
Off Topic.
I am so tired of this Serviio problem... Seems like I "found" solution for me. Solution is to have two NAS systems. :D
So, I bought one more Synology NAS for me. The old one running on DSM 6.2.4 and new one on DSM 7.2.1
The old one I will not upgrade and stays for Serviio.
With the new one I messed a lot to find a solution. So, what I did...

Synology Media Server: DLNA works ok. Found my both TV's and display folders and subfolders.
Synology Video Station: For friends’ external access bad. Can’t sort by subfolders. (total crap)
Conclusion: Uninstall.

Plex: DLNA works somehow but folder’s structure not ok. Both TVs are found.
Plex external access and console: Too much unneeded stuff on main screen. Can’t sort folders like I want.
Conclusion: Uninstall

Emby: DLNA works almost ok. Can't find Philips TV's (My one TV is Philips)
Emby console: External access good and possible to sort files as I want.
Conclusion: Uninstall because DLNA can’t see my one TV.

So, still Serviio are the best. Even without no support to Synology NAS DSM 7. :(

Re: Synology NAS (DSM 6.2) - Serviio 2.3 status

PostPosted: Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:38 pm
by kittmaster
I have not forgotten about this project, I've had some focus in other coding areas, and I think I'll be getting back to finding a solution for this. I don't plan to abandon this quest to find the answer and let Serviio carry on in DSM7.

Two NAS's are interesting, I still think we will find a way forward, I just need to get back to it. Talk soon.
