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Release update - -Dserviio.cdsAnonymousAccess=true

PostPosted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:14 pm
by Paul C
Paul C wrote:
atc98092 wrote:Is that -Dserviio.cdsAnonymousAccess=true (i.e. -D and true without quotes?
Yes, that should do it.

There needs to be a feature request to ensure this option carries over on a future change of release.
A user-based "ServiioService.exe.vmoptions" or alternative means of configuration.
Including also other configuration options e.g.

Configuration is an issue. BitBucket anyone.

Re: Release update - -Dserviio.cdsAnonymousAccess=true

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2020 5:08 pm
by coderoyal
I will say we depend on the anonymous access feature in our district. Our video server is accessed by the thousands of students and staff in all schools within our town. It's hard to share links to video playlists if a user is forced to a login prompt, and since our server is internal, there's no reason to password protect access to it.

People will just forgot the login and not use it, even if it's a shared universal password.

Re: Release update - -Dserviio.cdsAnonymousAccess=true

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:53 pm
by zip