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Share Structure Issues

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:16 pm
by Awwjwah
So I recently updated to version 1.9 of serviio and I am running it on a Windows server 2008 with two 1 TB drives in it. I recently moved only one folder as I was going to change versions and refresh my share anyway to basically take advantage of my storage as one drive was filling up faster than the other. (I moved the movie two folder to the second physical drive)

So on my server I have movies, cartoons, tv shows, music and family photo's and videos. With serviio I share it to my tv/xbox/ps4, and tablets in house.

My file structure on my server basically looks like this:

tv shows
Movie folder 1
Movie folder 2

When I navigate Serviio through any of my media players, Xbox/PS4/Tablet or Smart TV with built in player, serviio does the following:

I can choose audio, video or image. I select video. I see the folders indicated above. I select cartoons. For some reason I cannot follow or understand the Cartoon folder, shared by serviio to these devices, shows all of my music and photos and then it has magically created another cartoon sub folder where the cartoons are. IE: cartoon>cartoon

I have double checked all drive mapping and permissions and gone into serviio and tried sharing just the root drives, D and E, as well as trying to share the individual folders. The only sub folders in any of my folders are the folders created to separate specific shows (cartoon names with all episodes) Artist albums or Date's photos were taken. As you can even see, Music and photo's are on a completely separate physical disk from the cartoon folder and not divided through a software partition yet they all appear in cartoons.

I am completely at a loss as to what I am missing that this is happening and it just started with the 1.9 version. I don't know if there is a cached file that didn't properly clear when I refreshed and even recreated all of my shares or if there is something else amiss. Any help or thoughts on this would be appreciated.