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Viera (PAL)



Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:59 am

Viera (PAL)

1) Serviio doesn't response on M-SEARCH from my TV :-), so I have to stop and start the server 'manualy' ...
(I am not sure, this 'bug' is device dependent ...)
2) files with extension .divx are listed only after renaming to .avi

congratulation for excelent work!!! will be also the source code available?


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Location: London, UK

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 7:22 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)


can you send me log with DEBUG enabled (see the forum for how to do it)? Will try to investigate why M-SEARCH doesn't work.

I can add divx extensions, no problem.

Closed source for the moment, sorry.


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:18 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/" debug="true">

<appender name="FILE" class="org.apache.log4j.RollingFileAppender">
<param name="Threshold" value="DEBUG"/>
<param name="Append" value="true" />
<param name="File" value="${serviio.home}/log/serviio.log" />
<param name="MaxFileSize" value="500KB" />
<param name="MaxBackupIndex" value="1" />
<param name="Encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n"/>

<category name="org.serviio">
<priority value="INFO"/>

<category name="org.jaudiotagger">
<priority value="ERROR"/>

<priority value="INFO"/>
<appender-ref ref="FILE"/>


and log with my comments :-)

22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.1.1
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer]
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.6.0_17-Sun Microsystems Inc.
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] OS Windows XP x86 5.1
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: windows-1250
22:10:34,765 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
22:10:35,015 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated
22:10:36,890 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
22:10:37,078 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a, bound address:
22:10:37,125 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
22:10:37,125 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
22:10:37,125 INFO [UpdateCheckerThread] Checking if a new version is available
22:10:57,140 INFO [LibraryUpdaterThread] Starting Library Updater Thread

#### I run TV client, it didn't see any server ....

22:11:06,546 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
22:11:06,546 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
22:11:06,625 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
22:11:07,125 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
22:11:09,406 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895

### Now I can see the server ...

22:11:09,406 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
22:11:09,406 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
22:11:24,921 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
22:11:24,921 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
22:11:25,406 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
22:11:25,406 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
22:11:27,250 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
22:11:27,250 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
22:11:27,250 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
22:11:37,078 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
22:11:37,078 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
22:11:37,250 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
22:11:37,250 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
22:11:44,750 INFO [DatabaseManager] Shutting down database


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:39 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

this is M-SEARCH request from Viera TV (PAL G15)

Received 08/11/2009 at 22:22:00

MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1

I played with DLNA only a few hours, so I'm not sure, but I think, the request should be declarative from the other DRM also, so the next question is, why not use this information?


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Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 9:53 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)


I meant turn of DEBUG logging (by editing the log4j.xml file you posted here), it should show us if the M-SEARCH is received and what is the response.


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:16 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

not the right way ??
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j="http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j/" debug="true">


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:21 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

intel device sniffer received it, every time, I run the DLNA client on my TV


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Location: London, UK

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:27 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)



Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:55 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

23:47:47,203 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
23:47:47,390 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a, bound address:
23:47:47,437 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is available
23:47:47,437 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
23:47:47,437 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
23:47:47,437 INFO [UpdateCheckerThread] Checking if a new version is available
23:47:47,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive
23:47:47,546 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a
23:47:47,562 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 1405495 ms
23:47:47,640 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
23:47:47,640 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
23:47:47,656 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from null
23:47:47,671 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
23:47:48,000 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
23:47:48,000 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
23:47:48,015 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager
23:47:48,031 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
23:47:48,031 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory
23:47:48,046 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
23:48:01,921 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:01,921 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
23:48:01,921 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
23:48:01,921 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
23:48:01,937 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
23:48:01,937 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
23:48:03,437 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is available
23:48:03,437 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
23:48:03,437 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
23:48:03,437 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
23:48:03,437 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
23:48:03,468 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive
23:48:03,468 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a
23:48:03,468 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 1724891 ms
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from null
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ConnectionManager
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service urn:upnp-org:serviceId:ContentDirectory
23:48:03,484 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
23:48:03,531 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
23:48:03,531 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
23:48:03,531 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,859 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
23:48:05,875 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
23:48:05,875 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
23:48:05,875 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
23:48:05,875 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
23:48:05,937 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
23:48:07,437 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
23:48:07,437 INFO [LibraryUpdaterThread] Starting Library Updater Thread
23:48:07,453 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
23:48:12,187 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
23:48:12,187 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
23:48:12,203 INFO [DatabaseManager] Shutting down database
23:48:12,203 DEBUG [DBConnectionPool] Closed connection for pool Serviio DB Pool
23:48:12,312 DEBUG [DatabaseManager] DB shutdown returned: Derby system shutdown.


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Serviio developer / Site Admin

Posts: 17212

Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:24 pm

Location: London, UK

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:03 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

this looks vlike the use case where you start your TV first, I don't see any M-SEARCH in there .. unless this is actually the bug ;-)


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Sun Nov 08, 2009 11:41 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

00:18:37,109 DEBUG [ApplicationInstanceManager] Listening for application instances on socket 44331
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.1.1
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer]
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.6.0_17-Sun Microsystems Inc.
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] OS Windows XP x86 5.1
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: windows-1250
00:18:37,109 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00:18:37,171 DEBUG [SwingHelper] Choosing java look and feel: com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel
00:18:37,359 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated
00:18:37,375 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.1.sql' has been run
00:18:38,703 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.1.1.sql' has been run
00:18:38,718 DEBUG [ConfigEntryDAOImpl] Reading all ConfigEntries
00:18:38,828 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
00:18:38,921 DEBUG [MetadataExtractorConfigDAOImpl] Reading a list of Extractor configuration for type AUDIO
00:18:38,953 DEBUG [MetadataExtractorConfigDAOImpl] Reading a list of Extractor configuration for type VIDEO
00:18:39,156 DEBUG [FFMPEGWrapper] Invoking FFMPEG to check if it exists of path C:\Program Files\Serviio\lib/ffmpeg.exe
00:18:39,156 DEBUG [ProcessExecutor] Starting C:\Program Files\Serviio\lib/ffmpeg.exe
00:18:39,250 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
00:18:39,437 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a, bound address:
00:18:39,484 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is available
00:18:39,484 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
00:18:39,484 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
00:18:39,484 INFO [UpdateCheckerThread] Checking if a new version is available
00:18:39,500 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive
00:18:39,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a
00:18:39,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 1312471 ms
00:18:39,906 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:18:39,906 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
00:18:40,234 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
00:18:59,484 INFO [LibraryUpdaterThread] Starting Library Updater Thread
00:18:59,484 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories

############# from sniffer
Received 09/11/2009 at 00:19:16

MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1


Received 09/11/2009 at 00:19:22

MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:2


#### no server is in the list :-)

00:19:43,171 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
00:19:43,171 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:19:43,171 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down

### from sniffer
Received 09/11/2009 at 00:19:43

NTS: ssdp:byebye
NT: upnp:rootdevice
USN: uuid:3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a::upnp:rootdevice


00:19:43,171 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
00:19:43,171 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
00:19:43,484 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
00:19:43,578 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
00:19:46,437 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
00:19:46,437 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is available
00:19:46,437 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
00:19:46,453 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
00:19:46,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive
00:19:46,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a
00:19:46,531 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 1055417 ms
00:19:46,593 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /

##### !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now everything is working properly

00:19:46,593 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
00:19:46,593 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
00:19:53,906 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:19:53,906 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities"
00:19:54,000 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
00:19:54,015 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:19:54,015 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"
00:19:54,187 DEBUG [ContentDirectory] Browse() called with parameters: objectID = 0, browseFlag = BrowseDirectChildren, filter = dc:title,dc:date,res,res@protocolInfo,res@size,res@duration,res@resolution,res@dlna:ifoFileURI,res@pv:subtitleFileType,res@pv:subtitleFileUri, startIndex = 0, count = 20, sortCriteria =
00:19:54,203 INFO [ActionNode] Parsing ContentDirectory definition
00:19:54,218 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=0, title=Serviio Media Library, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,234 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=A, title=Audio, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,250 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=A_A, title=Artists, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,250 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListArtistsByNameCommand, class=PERSON, idPrefix=ART
00:19:54,265 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListSongsForArtistCommand, class=MUSIC_TRACK, idPrefix=S
00:19:54,265 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=A_F, title=Folders, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,281 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListFlatAudioFoldersByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=FOL
00:19:54,281 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListSongsForFolderCommand, class=MUSIC_TRACK, idPrefix=S
00:19:54,296 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=A_G, title=Genres, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,296 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListAudioGenresByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=GEN
00:19:54,312 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListSongsForGenreCommand, class=MUSIC_TRACK, idPrefix=S
00:19:54,312 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=A_T, title=Titles, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,328 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListSongInitialsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=INI
00:19:54,328 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.audio.ListSongsForInitialCommand, class=MUSIC_TRACK, idPrefix=S
00:19:54,328 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=I, title=Image, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,343 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=I_F, title=Folders, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,343 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListFlatImageFoldersByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=FOL
00:19:54,500 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesForFolderCommand, class=PHOTO, idPrefix=I
00:19:54,515 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=I_Y, title=Year, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,515 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesCreationYearsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=YEAR
00:19:54,515 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesForCreationYearCommand, class=PHOTO, idPrefix=I
00:19:54,531 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=I_T, title=Timeline, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,531 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesCreationYearsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=YEAR
00:19:54,546 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesCreationMonthsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=MON
00:19:54,546 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.image.ListImagesForCreationMonthAndYearCommand, class=PHOTO, idPrefix=I
00:19:54,562 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V, title=Video, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,562 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_T, title=All titles, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,562 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideoInitialsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=INI
00:19:54,578 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForInitialCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,578 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_M, title=Movies, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,593 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListMovieVideosByNameCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,593 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_S, title=Series, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,609 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListSeriesByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=SER
00:19:54,609 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListSeasonsForSeriesCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=SSN
00:19:54,609 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListEpisodesForSeriesSeasonCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,625 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_F, title=Folders, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,625 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListFlatVideoFoldersByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=FOL
00:19:54,640 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForFolderCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,640 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_LV, title=Last viewed, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,656 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListLastViewedVideosCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,656 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_G, title=Genres, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,656 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideoGenresByNameCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=GEN
00:19:54,828 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForGenreCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,843 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_A, title=Actors, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,843 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListActorInitialsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=INI
00:19:54,859 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListActorsForInitialCommand, class=PERSON, idPrefix=P
00:19:54,859 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForActorCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,875 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_D, title=Directors, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,875 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListDirectorInitialsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=INI
00:19:54,875 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListDirectorsForInitialCommand, class=PERSON, idPrefix=P
00:19:54,890 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForDirectorCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,890 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Container node with attributes: id=V_P, title=Producers, class=CONTAINER
00:19:54,906 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListProducerInitialsCommand, class=CONTAINER, idPrefix=INI
00:19:54,906 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.person.ListProducersForInitialCommand, class=PERSON, idPrefix=P
00:19:54,921 DEBUG [ActionNode] Found Action node with attributes: command=org.serviio.upnp.service.contentdirectory.command.video.ListVideosForProducerCommand, class=VIDEO_ITEM, idPrefix=V
00:19:54,953 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
00:20:02,093 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:20:02,109 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"
00:20:02,109 DEBUG [ContentDirectory] Browse() called with parameters: objectID = V, browseFlag = BrowseDirectChildren, filter = dc:title,dc:date,res,res@protocolInfo,res@size,res@duration,res@resolution,res@dlna:ifoFileURI,res@pv:subtitleFileType,res@pv:subtitleFileUri, startIndex = 0, count = 20, sortCriteria =
00:20:02,125 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Retrieving number of video initials
00:20:02,171 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Retrieving number of videos of type 2
00:20:02,218 DEBUG [SeriesDAOImpl] Retrieving number of series
00:20:02,250 DEBUG [FolderDAOImpl] Retrieving number of leaf folders
00:20:02,296 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Retrieving number of 10 last viewed videos
00:20:02,328 DEBUG [GenreDAOImpl] Retrieving number of genres for VIDEO
00:20:02,359 DEBUG [PersonDAOImpl] Retrieving number of person initials for role ACTOR
00:20:02,390 DEBUG [PersonDAOImpl] Retrieving number of person initials for role DIRECTOR
00:20:02,406 DEBUG [PersonDAOImpl] Retrieving number of person initials for role PRODUCER
00:20:02,406 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
00:20:04,109 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:20:04,109 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action: "urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#Browse"
00:20:04,125 DEBUG [ContentDirectory] Browse() called with parameters: objectID = V_M, browseFlag = BrowseDirectChildren, filter = dc:title,dc:date,res,res@protocolInfo,res@size,res@duration,res@resolution,res@dlna:ifoFileURI,res@pv:subtitleFileType,res@pv:subtitleFileUri, startIndex = 0, count = 20, sortCriteria =
00:20:04,125 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Retrieving list of videos of type 2 (from=0, count=20)
00:20:04,156 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Retrieving number of videos of type 2
00:20:04,156 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message

#### sniffer (I closed and open my TV client application again)
Received 09/11/2009 at 00:20:24

MAN: "ssdp:discover"
MX: 1
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1


00:20:35,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:35,265 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
00:20:35,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:35,265 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
00:20:35,265 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
00:20:35,265 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
00:20:35,500 INFO [EventDispatcher] Leaving EventDispatcher
00:20:36,500 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Leaving EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker, removing all event subscriptions
00:20:37,125 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is available
00:20:37,125 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
00:20:37,125 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
00:20:37,125 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Starting DiscoverySearchListener
00:20:37,187 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive
00:20:37,187 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a
00:20:37,187 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 1105863 ms
00:20:37,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
00:20:37,265 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a from Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.00
00:20:37,281 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back
00:20:51,250 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,250 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,250 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,250 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,250 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
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00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [WebServer] Socket closed
00:20:51,265 INFO [WebServer] WebServer shutting down
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 3fdd00a9-a2c2-3000-bce4-3b8b9cbe6d5a is unavailable
00:20:51,265 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP byebye
00:20:51,265 INFO [DiscoverySearchListener] Leaving DiscoverySearchListener
00:20:51,281 INFO [DatabaseManager] Shutting down database
00:20:51,281 DEBUG [DBConnectionPool] Closed connection for pool Serviio DB Pool
00:20:51,390 DEBUG [DatabaseManager] DB shutdown returned: Derby system shutdown.


User avatar

Serviio developer / Site Admin

Posts: 17212

Joined: Sat Oct 24, 2009 12:24 pm

Location: London, UK

Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:14 am

Re: Viera (PAL)


thanks for this, it was a bug ;-) Will be fixed in the next release.


Serviio newbie

Posts: 15

Joined: Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:45 am

Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:48 pm

Re: Viera (PAL)

I am ready to help you anytime ...
PS: tvoj projekt ma buducnost a odviedol si naozaj skvelu pracu ivo.vacek(at)gmail.com

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