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Can Serviio Stream 1080p 60fps from PC to Ps3 with out lag?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:29 pm
by Kman915
Okay, so I'm new here... I made some videos that are MP4 1080p at 60FPs. But, When I stream to Ps3 using media servers like PMS and UMS, The video lags but the audio is fine. I have other videos, that are 720p and 1080p. Those stream fine, but the ones that are 60fps are struggling with those media servers. I'm using a Wired connection, my router is a TP-Link AC 1200, OS Win 7, 6 core cpu, 16gb of ram. If there's no way to stream that flawlessly on the ps3, it's no big deal... I guess i'll try Serviio and find out myself... If anyone can help out or give me some pointers, that would be much appreciated.

Re: Can Serviio Stream 1080p 60fps from PC to Ps3 with out l

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 12:01 am
by atc98092
Can't speak to a PS3, but Serviio is certainly capable of support high bitrate video. I have a Roku Stick (Wi-Fi only connection) and I was monitoring it's throughput on my DD-WRT powered wireless access point. The video was MP4 with h.264 video and DTS Master Audio (which the Roku strips down to basic DTS). The average bitrate was around 50 Mbps, with peaks near or over 80 Mbps. There was no buffering, and the audio was in perfect sync with the video.

And this was from my Serviio test server, which has less computer power than my primary server. My server is on a Gigabit Ethernet connection, plugged directly into the router/wireless access point. The Roku is about 3 feet away from the access point. If your PS3 is on a wired network connection, you shouldn't have any issues. If you are using Wireless, there's always the possibility that you are having issues there.

Re: Can Serviio Stream 1080p 60fps from PC to Ps3 with out l

PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2016 10:04 am
by Kman915
So, your Roku stick can stream 1080p at 60fps? I may just grab one or maybe the Roku 4 because, I think the ps3 has hardware limitations. Not entirely sure. I wouldn't stream wifi, unless I had no choice. HD quality and performance is a must for me. So, i'm using a wired connection... Anyway, I tested Serviio, and it can stream 1080p at 60fps, with no AV sync issues. BUT. It stutters on scenes where there's a lot of movement or things going on. It's like i'm using PMS while trying to watch a simple 720p or 1080p movie over wifi. (There was a time where I tried to stream HD movies using wifi and that would happen) The videos, i'm trying to stream are MP4 h.264, audio bit rate: 125kbps, bit rate: 5.0mbps or 5131kbps, 1080p at 60fps. I think the frame rate is killin' it... Is there anything I can do in Serviio to try to make it stream more smoothly, like a tweak or something?