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Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 7:01 pm
by Venere

For a few days ago, i've a strange behavior :

Usually my IP TV is (permanent from my DHCP server). My TV profile is SAMSUNG C,D,E,F series.
When i start Serviio all is ok and i can read on my TV all kind of videos (mkv, avi, ...).
On the Serviio Console all is ok : (my IP TV) is correctly bound with the Samsung Profile.

But after about 5mn. (this delay corresponds to my libraries updates) i cant' read anymore mkv videos only : Format unsupported. All others : avi, flv, vob are readable.
So when i look my Serviio Console my TV adress as disappears and a new adress appears with the samsmung profile. This new adress is not pingable and i don't know where it come from. And even if my TV IP is not shown on the console i can read all kind of files but not mkv videos.

This behavior is very disturbing : I must put off/on my TV, same thing for Serviio Server and once again after 5mn. the problem reappears.

I put the debug log in attachement (cut for size) but sufficiently comprehensible.

Any idea would be greatly appreciate.

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:59 am
by DenyAll

it appears as if the router is providing two IP addresses to the TV. Its almost like the router is acting in a pseudo bridge mode.

Given this has only just started happening, perhaps something changed in the router config - you may want to look at (these may or may not be relevant - sorry): ... outer-mode

If you do come across the fix, please share with others as I couldn't find any resolution of this issue in my quick search in this forum.

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 3:44 pm
by zip
I think I have a fix for this in 1.4

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 4:14 pm
by Venere
Thanks denyAll for your response.

It seems that my problem is the same as I use the same router : freebox v6.

The strange thing for me is that i use Serviio with the same configuration for more than one year ago and the problem came only a few days ago, for others it's one or many years ago.

Hi Zip,

Where or when can i find 1.4 ?

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Sun Oct 13, 2013 12:40 am
by zip
1.4 is not in beta yet, it'll take some time still.

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Mon Oct 21, 2013 10:44 am
by Venere
HI everybody,

I think i've resoled my problem but what is comic is that i can't explain exactly how.

Here 's what i did :

- Disable Teredo interface
- Disable ISATAP interface
- Activate bridge mode on my router

Actually I've not anymore my IP TV replaced with another (ie : .

For those who use freebox router i read that 192.168.27.x is a special VLAN for the freebox components. for the HD box (the IP which was replacing my IP TV) for the ADSL router.

I'll do further tests and i'll post the results, but i think rather it's the bridge mode of the router who is responsible.

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2014 1:27 pm
by Venere

first, happy new year to everyone.

As said by Zip in a previous post, I confirm the 1.4 release resolves the IP adress conflict that i've mentionned in this thread (extract from 1.4 realease notes : fixed duplicate renderer registering caused by some routers)

I've turned off the bridge mode of my router and turn on again the Teredo and ISATAP interfaces as it was originally configured and after one month using the 1.4 i never encounter the problem again.

So thank you again Zip for your great work.

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 10:04 am
by sabar
Hallo everyone nice posts. i agree but my question is What is binding IP address I hope my question to Answer...

Re: Bad IP TV Binding with unknown IP adress

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:31 pm
by atc98092
sabar wrote:Hallo everyone nice posts. i agree but my question is What is binding IP address I hope my question to Answer...

This is an extremely old thread, and not likely valid for the current Serviio version. Can you be more specific about what you're asking? And I removed your spam link, if that's all you were trying to do.