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Bravia KDL37EX403 streaming from a Mac across wireless?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 8:34 pm
by platy
Hi guys,

Firstly - please accept my apologies for being blonde (enhanced) and technically incompetent (definitely NOT enhanced) compared to you guys who seem to speak a somewhat different language...! But hey - at least I got this far right?

So I've launched Serviio on my Mac and my Bravia KDL37EX403 picks up the folders and shows me all my fabulous vids to watch. And then it plays them for anything up to 15 minutes before the wireless crashes.

My questions are thus:

1) is something clashing against my Wifi making it crash?
2) is this an inherent problem with streaming across Wifi and should I therefore invest in one of those ethernet powerline sockets?
3) is there a configuration change I need to make to my MAC to make it hold the network steady?

Many thanks for any idiot-speak replies you could give me - I'm so bummed that I've found the perfect solution to my requirements to watch my files on TV and yet I don't know enough about networks to make it work.

