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Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS



Serviio newbie

Posts: 11

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:32 pm

Post Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:39 pm

Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

I do hope you are able to help. I have been trying unsuccessfully to get this excellent system up and running on my NAS. I installed jamvm, and then adjusted the serviio.sh to reflect that, and the remote.Host parameter. However, no luck yet...

My serviio.sh:

### ====================================================================== ###
## ##
## Serviio start Script ##
## ##
### ====================================================================== ###

DIRNAME=`dirname $0`
PROGNAME=`basename $0`

# OS specific support (must be 'true' or 'false').
case "`uname`" in



# For Cygwin, ensure paths are in UNIX format before anything is touched
if $cygwin ; then
[ -n "$SERVIIO_HOME" ] &&
SERVIIO_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$SERVIIO_HOME"`
[ -n "$JAVA_HOME" ] &&
JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --unix "$JAVA_HOME"`

if [ "x$SERVIIO_HOME" = "x" ]; then
# get the full path (without any relative bits)

# Setup the JVM
if [ "x$JAVA" = "x" ]; then



# Setup the classpath

# Setup Serviio specific properties
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dderby.system.home=$SERVIIO_HOME/library -Dserviio.home=$SERVIIO_HOME -Dserviio.remoteHost="

# For Cygwin, switch paths to Windows format before running java
if $cygwin; then
SERVIIO_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$SERVIIO_HOME"`
JAVA_HOME=`cygpath --path --windows "$JAVA_HOME"`
SERVIIO_CLASS_PATH=`cygpath --path --windows "$SERVIIO_CLASS_PATH"`

# Execute the JVM in the foreground
"$JAVA" -Xmx384M $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$SERVIIO_CLASS_PATH" org.serviio.MediaServer "$@"

and the resultant log...

2010-12-26 17:11:11,050 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010-12-26 17:11:11,178 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.4.2 (rev. 683706a96104)
2010-12-26 17:11:11,178 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2010
2010-12-26 17:11:11,179 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
2010-12-26 17:11:11,190 INFO [MediaServer]
2010-12-26 17:11:11,191 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.5.0-GNU Classpath
2010-12-26 17:11:11,193 INFO [MediaServer] OS Linux arm
2010-12-26 17:11:11,194 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: ISO-8859-1
2010-12-26 17:11:11,195 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2010-12-26 17:11:15,028 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server exposed on
2010-12-26 17:11:18,010 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated
2010-12-26 17:11:18,145 WARN [DBConnectionPool] Can't create a new connection for jdbc:derby:db;create=true
java.sql.SQLException: No driver found for jdbc:derby:db;create=true
at java.sql.DriverManager.getDriver(DriverManager.java:231)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:161)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(DriverManager.java:204)
at org.serviio.db.DBConnectionPool.newConnection(DBConnetionPool.java:186)
at org.serviio.db.DBConnectionPool.getConnection(DBConnetionPool.java:123)
at org.serviio.db.DBConnectionPool.getConnection(DBConnetionPool.java:149)
at org.serviio.db.DatabaseManager.getConnection(DatabaseManager.java:66)
at org.serviio.db.DatabaseManager.getConnection(DatabaseManager.java:59)
at org.serviio.update.dao.DBLogDAOImpl.isScriptPresent(DBLogDAOImpl.java:49)
at org.serviio.update.DBSchemaUpdateExecutor.updateDBSchema(DBSchemaUpdateExecutor.java:55)
at org.serviio.MediaServer.main(MediaServer.java:95)

2010-12-26 17:11:20,449 ERROR [MediaServer] An unexpected error occured. Ending the application. Message: null

Any suggestions???


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Post Sun Dec 26, 2010 7:24 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Your Java VM is version 1.5, not 1.6. That's one problem I can see immediately.


Serviio newbie

Posts: 11

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:32 pm

Post Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:26 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Oh. That is a problem. I can't find a way of installing any higher version of Java. Does that mean I have to forgo Serviio?? Sob!!


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Location: London, UK

Post Sun Dec 26, 2010 9:33 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Just quickly googled, would this help? http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/DS101/JavaOnDS101G


Serviio newbie

Posts: 11

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:32 pm

Post Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:07 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

thanks for your prompt replies. Unfortunately, the processor in the ds110j is an ARM, not a PPC...


Serviio newbie

Posts: 11

Joined: Sun Dec 26, 2010 5:32 pm

Post Mon Jan 03, 2011 7:23 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Ok, I'm getting there!! I have now installed Java 1.6, and can get Serviio on the DS100j. However, I haven't gotten the system to work. I can see the Serviio network on my Sony Bravia. I cannot, however, get the console to connect, which means I cannot set up any folders, and so cannot see any of my media.

Also, serviio.sh never completes - it seems to be in a hang.

This is my serviio.log output, if that will help at all - I really need some advice...

2011-01-03 17:35:06,568 DEBUG [ApplicationInstanceManager] Listening for application instances on socket 44331
2011-01-03 17:35:06,629 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-03 17:35:06,630 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.4.2 (rev. 683706a96104)
2011-01-03 17:35:06,630 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2010
2011-01-03 17:35:06,631 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
2011-01-03 17:35:06,631 INFO [MediaServer]
2011-01-03 17:35:06,631 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.6.0_21-Sun Microsystems Inc.
2011-01-03 17:35:06,632 INFO [MediaServer] OS Linux arm
2011-01-03 17:35:06,632 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: US-ASCII
2011-01-03 17:35:06,633 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-03 17:35:07,779 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server exposed on localhost:23423
2011-01-03 17:35:08,249 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated
2011-01-03 17:35:08,316 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.1.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,940 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.1.1.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,945 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.2.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,957 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.3.1.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,962 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.4.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,970 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.4.1.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:23,985 DEBUG [DBLogDAOImpl] Checking if script 'script-0.4.2.sql' has been run
2011-01-03 17:35:27,628 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing Profiles definition
2011-01-03 17:35:27,753 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 1
2011-01-03 17:35:29,954 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Generic DLNA profile' (id=1)
2011-01-03 17:35:29,987 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 2
2011-01-03 17:35:30,536 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (B-series)' (id=2)
2011-01-03 17:35:30,553 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 3
2011-01-03 17:35:31,047 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'XBox 360' (id=3)
2011-01-03 17:35:31,055 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 4
2011-01-03 17:35:31,890 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Playstation 3' (id=4)
2011-01-03 17:35:31,901 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 5
2011-01-03 17:35:32,250 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (A-series)' (id=5)
2011-01-03 17:35:32,259 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 6
2011-01-03 17:35:32,582 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'DirecTV HD-DVR' (id=6)
2011-01-03 17:35:32,592 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 7
2011-01-03 17:35:32,946 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV / player (C-series)' (id=7)
2011-01-03 17:35:32,955 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 8
2011-01-03 17:35:33,874 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'LG BD player' (id=8)
2011-01-03 17:35:33,886 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 9
2011-01-03 17:35:34,911 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV' (id=9)
2011-01-03 17:35:34,932 DEBUG [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing profile definition for profile 10
2011-01-03 17:35:36,065 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony BD Player' (id=10)
2011-01-03 17:35:36,101 DEBUG [FFMPEGWrapper] Invoking FFMPEG to check if it exists of path ffmpeg
2011-01-03 17:35:36,120 DEBUG [ProcessExecutor] Starting ffmpeg
2011-01-03 17:35:36,649 INFO [VideoDeliveryEngine] Cleaning transcode engine and its data
2011-01-03 17:35:36,672 DEBUG [ConfigEntryDAOImpl] Reading all ConfigEntries
2011-01-03 17:35:37,484 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
2011-01-03 17:35:37,639 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33, bound address:
2011-01-03 17:35:39,123 INFO [CompositeCacheManager] Creating cache manager from config file: /cache.ccf
2011-01-03 17:35:39,227 INFO [ThreadPoolManager] thread_pool.default PoolConfiguration = useBoundary = [true] boundarySize = [2000] maximumPoolSize = [150] minimumPoolSize = [4] keepAliveTime = [300000] whenBlockedPolicy = [RUN] startUpSize = [4]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,260 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] Setting default auxiliaries to null
2011-01-03 17:35:39,260 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] No special CompositeCacheAttributes class defined for key [jcs.default.cacheattributes], using default class.
2011-01-03 17:35:39,272 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] setting defaultCompositeCacheAttributes to [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 100, maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = 0 ]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,294 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] No special ElementAttribute class defined for key [jcs.default.elementattributes], using default class.
2011-01-03 17:35:39,296 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] setting defaultElementAttributes to [ IS_LATERAL = true, IS_SPOOL = true, IS_REMOTE = true, IS_ETERNAL = true, MaxLifeSeconds = -1, IdleTime = -1, CreateTime = 1294076139295, LastAccessTime = 1294076139295, getTimeToLiveSeconds() = -1, createTime = 1294076139295 ]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,314 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] No special ElementAttribute class defined for key [jcs.region.local_resetafterplay.elementattributes], using default class.
2011-01-03 17:35:39,427 INFO [LRUMemoryCache] initialized LRUMemoryCache for local_resetafterplay
2011-01-03 17:35:39,428 INFO [CompositeCache] Constructed cache with name [local_resetafterplay] and cache attributes [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 1000, maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = 0 ]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,433 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] No special ElementAttribute class defined for key [jcs.region.local_default.elementattributes], using default class.
2011-01-03 17:35:39,433 INFO [LRUMemoryCache] initialized LRUMemoryCache for local_default
2011-01-03 17:35:39,434 INFO [CompositeCache] Constructed cache with name [local_default] and cache attributes [ useLateral = true, useRemote = true, useDisk = true, maxObjs = 1000, maxSpoolPerRun = -1, diskUsagePattern = 0 ]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,435 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] Parsed regions [local_resetafterplay, local_default]
2011-01-03 17:35:39,435 INFO [CompositeCacheConfigurator] Finished configuration in 185 ms.
2011-01-03 17:35:39,441 DEBUG [DiscoveryManager] UPNP device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 is available
2011-01-03 17:35:39,448 INFO [EventDispatcher] Starting EventDispatcher
2011-01-03 17:35:39,451 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Starting EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker
2011-01-03 17:35:39,456 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
2011-01-03 17:35:39,458 INFO [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Starting DiscoverySSDPMessageListener using interface
2011-01-03 17:35:39,500 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive using interface
2011-01-03 17:35:39,774 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33
2011-01-03 17:35:39,859 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:11:38
2011-01-03 17:35:40,106 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:35:40,104 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:35:40,146 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:35:40,152 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:35:40,375 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:35:40,378 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Sonos
2011-01-03 17:35:40,922 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:35:40,926 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Sonos
2011-01-03 17:35:43,221 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:35:43,225 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:35:43,236 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:35:43,245 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:35:43,413 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:35:43,416 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:35:43,423 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:35:59,505 INFO [LibraryAdditionsCheckerThread] Started looking for newly added files
2011-01-03 17:35:59,536 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 17:35:59,600 INFO [LibraryUpdatesCheckerThread] Started looking for updates to currently shared files
2011-01-03 17:35:59,601 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 17:39:28,183 DEBUG [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Received a valid M-SEARCH message for search target urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 from address /
2011-01-03 17:39:28,410 DEBUG [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Received a valid M-SEARCH message for search target urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 from address /
2011-01-03 17:39:28,416 DEBUG [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Received a valid M-SEARCH message for search target urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:MediaServer:1 from address /
2011-01-03 17:39:28,426 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 17:39:28,429 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 17:39:28,432 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 17:39:43,919 DEBUG [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Received a valid M-SEARCH message for search target upnp:rootdevice from address /
2011-01-03 17:39:43,923 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 17:39:43,960 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:43,963 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from UPnP/1.0
2011-01-03 17:39:43,993 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Sony Bravia TV'
2011-01-03 17:39:44,089 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:44,092 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ConnectionManager
2011-01-03 17:39:44,246 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 17:39:44,385 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:44,388 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ContentDirectory
2011-01-03 17:39:44,637 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 17:39:44,895 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:44,932 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 17:39:45,695 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:45,703 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from null
2011-01-03 17:39:45,709 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:39:46,365 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 17:39:46,406 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:46,409 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 17:39:46,469 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 17:39:49,338 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:49,341 DEBUG [UPnPIconRequestHandler] UPnP icon request received for icon largeJPG
2011-01-03 17:39:49,435 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:49,437 DEBUG [UPnPIconRequestHandler] UPnP icon request received for icon largeJPG
2011-01-03 17:39:49,539 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:39:49,541 DEBUG [UPnPIconRequestHandler] UPnP icon request received for icon largeJPG
2011-01-03 17:46:00,035 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 17:47:18,286 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive using interface
2011-01-03 17:47:18,318 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33
2011-01-03 17:47:18,347 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:11:06
2011-01-03 17:47:18,378 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:18,387 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:18,388 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:47:18,409 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:18,411 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:47:18,554 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from UPnP/1.0
2011-01-03 17:47:18,634 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:47:18,641 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:47:18,636 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Sony Bravia TV'
2011-01-03 17:47:18,810 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:18,813 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:47:18,821 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 17:47:18,896 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:18,899 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ConnectionManager
2011-01-03 17:47:18,905 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 17:47:19,067 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:47:19,073 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ContentDirectory
2011-01-03 17:47:19,078 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 17:47:19,331 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:58:24,919 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:11:04
2011-01-03 17:58:25,081 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:58:25,084 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:58:25,087 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 17:58:25,089 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:58:25,091 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 17:58:25,113 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-:1 from address /
2011-01-03 18:17:55,332 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 18:17:55,335 DEBUG [DiscoverySearchResponder] Sending 1 M-SEARCH response message(s)
2011-01-03 18:21:01,515 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:23:05,633 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive using interface
2011-01-03 18:23:05,709 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33
2011-01-03 18:23:05,738 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:13:23
2011-01-03 18:23:05,774 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:05,776 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:05,863 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:05,864 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:23:05,873 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:23:05,876 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from UPnP/1.0
2011-01-03 18:23:06,002 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:23:06,036 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:23:06,064 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:06,070 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Sony Bravia TV'
2011-01-03 18:23:06,093 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:23:06,129 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:23:06,168 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:06,170 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ConnectionManager
2011-01-03 18:23:06,177 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:23:06,323 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:06,342 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ContentDirectory
2011-01-03 18:23:06,356 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:23:06,691 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:06,695 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:23:06,791 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:23:06,813 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:23:06,815 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:23:06,857 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:26:01,733 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:31:02,015 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:36:00,016 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:36:02,285 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:36:28,918 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive using interface
2011-01-03 18:36:28,947 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33
2011-01-03 18:36:29,008 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:10:49
2011-01-03 18:36:29,134 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,149 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,150 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,151 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:36:29,157 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from UPnP/1.0
2011-01-03 18:36:29,161 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:36:29,238 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:36:29,261 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Sony Bravia TV'
2011-01-03 18:36:29,277 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:36:29,285 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,325 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:36:29,330 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:36:29,358 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,360 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ConnectionManager
2011-01-03 18:36:29,365 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:36:29,508 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,510 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ContentDirectory
2011-01-03 18:36:29,516 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:36:29,823 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,825 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:36:29,945 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:36:29,965 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:36:29,967 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:36:30,085 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:41:02,296 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:46:02,427 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:47:18,950 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Multicasting SSDP alive using interface
2011-01-03 18:47:18,989 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Sending 6 'alive' messages describing device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33
2011-01-03 18:47:19,010 DEBUG [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Will advertise again in 00:14:23
2011-01-03 18:47:19,046 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,095 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:47:19,149 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,177 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,179 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:47:19,182 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from UPnP/1.0
2011-01-03 18:47:19,415 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:47:19,421 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Sony Bravia TV'
2011-01-03 18:47:19,457 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,461 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:47:19,464 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] DeviceDescription request received for device 010bee5e-af48-3878-a928-347de8dd0d33 from Linux/, UPnP/1.0, Portable SDK for UPnP devices/1.6.6
2011-01-03 18:47:19,480 DEBUG [DeviceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending DeviceDescription XML back using profile 'Generic DLNA profile'
2011-01-03 18:47:19,610 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,627 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ConnectionManager
2011-01-03 18:47:19,632 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:47:19,773 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:19,775 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] ServiceDescription request received for service ContentDirectory
2011-01-03 18:47:19,780 DEBUG [ServiceDescriptionRequestHandler] Sending ServiceDescription XML back
2011-01-03 18:47:20,051 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:20,053 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ContentDirectory:1#GetSortCapabilities"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:47:20,095 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:47:20,114 DEBUG [WebServer] Incoming connection from /
2011-01-03 18:47:20,137 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] ServiceControl request received for action '"urn:schemas-upnp-org:service:ConnectionManager:1#GetProtocolInfo"' from UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50:
2011-01-03 18:47:20,183 DEBUG [ServiceControlRequestHandler] Returning OK SOAP message
2011-01-03 18:51:03,196 DEBUG [RepositoryDAOImpl] Reading all Repositories
2011-01-03 18:53:13,138 DEBUG [ServiioConsole] Initializing Serviio Console
2011-01-03 18:53:13,367 DEBUG [ApplicationInstanceManager] Listening for application instances on socket 44332
2011-01-03 18:53:13,391 INFO [ServiioConsole] Starting Serviio Console
2011-01-03 18:53:13,445 DEBUG [SwingHelper] Choosing java look and feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
2011-01-03 18:53:15,223 INFO [ServiioConsole] Connecting to Serviio REST on localhost:23423
2011-01-03 18:53:28,429 ERROR [ServiioConsole] Unexpected exception occured: null
2011-01-03 18:53:28,565 INFO [ServiioConsole] Leaving Serviio Console


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Post Mon Jan 03, 2011 9:23 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

I tried something else:

I am able to rum the Serviio server and console on my Mac. I am unable to run the Server on my NAS, and connect with either the console on the mac or on the NAS. So, I have now tried running the server on my Mac, and connecting with the console on my NAS. It didn't work, and I got the following log file:

2011-01-03 21:12:23,165 DEBUG [ServiioConsole] Initializing Serviio Console
2011-01-03 21:12:23,349 DEBUG [ApplicationInstanceManager] Listening for application instances on socket 44332
2011-01-03 21:12:23,362 INFO [ServiioConsole] Starting Serviio Console
2011-01-03 21:12:23,728 DEBUG [SwingHelper] Choosing java look and feel: javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel
2011-01-03 21:12:25,089 INFO [ServiioConsole] Connecting to Serviio REST on
2011-01-03 21:12:32,981 ERROR [ServiioConsole] Cannot connect to server: Communication Error (1001) - Connection refused
2011-01-03 21:12:35,070 ERROR [ServiioConsole] Unexpected exception occured: null
2011-01-03 21:12:35,071 INFO [ServiioConsole] Leaving Serviio Console

I have added the servio.remoteHost parameter in all places, and it still doesn't get me any further.

Any help really appreciated...


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Post Mon Jan 03, 2011 10:21 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

looks like the port serviio is trying to use is block by your firewall on one of your devices most likely your router :)
Phil Bennett
Beta Tester Group
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Post Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Excellent suggestion! I have now managed to get this working, after setting the firewall correctly. Thank you!!


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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:40 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Hello there.. I also got JAVA installed on my Synology 1010+ today. Is there any way of getting the console to work or doing the library entries manually?


Streaming enthusiast

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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 1:52 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Ah no... There is an error:

2011-01-10 14:50:19,896 ERROR [ApplicationInstanceManager] Error connecting to local port for single instance notification
2011-01-10 14:50:19,900 ERROR [ApplicationInstanceManager] No route to host
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.serviio.ApplicationInstanceManager.registerInstance(ApplicationInstanceManager.java:105)
at org.serviio.MediaServer.checkForRunningInstances(MediaServer.java:221)
at org.serviio.MediaServer.main(MediaServer.java:85)
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.4.2 (rev. 683706a96104)
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2010
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer]
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.6.0_23-Sun Microsystems Inc.
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] OS Linux i386
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: US-ASCII
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-10 14:50:20,205 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server exposed on localhost:23423
2011-01-10 14:50:20,333 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated

What does it mean?


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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:40 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

davecas48 wrote:Excellent suggestion! I have now managed to get this working, after setting the firewall correctly. Thank you!!

your welcome :)
Phil Bennett
Beta Tester Group
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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:43 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

matten wrote:Ah no... There is an error:

2011-01-10 14:50:19,896 ERROR [ApplicationInstanceManager] Error connecting to local port for single instance notification
2011-01-10 14:50:19,900 ERROR [ApplicationInstanceManager] No route to host
java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.net.Socket.<init>(Unknown Source)
at org.serviio.ApplicationInstanceManager.registerInstance(ApplicationInstanceManager.java:105)
at org.serviio.MediaServer.checkForRunningInstances(MediaServer.java:221)
at org.serviio.MediaServer.main(MediaServer.java:85)
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 0.4.2 (rev. 683706a96104)
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2010
2011-01-10 14:50:19,912 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer]
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.6.0_23-Sun Microsystems Inc.
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] OS Linux i386
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: US-ASCII
2011-01-10 14:50:19,913 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2011-01-10 14:50:20,205 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server exposed on localhost:23423
2011-01-10 14:50:20,333 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated

What does it mean?

have you setup the remotehost bits for serviio and opened the correct ports ???
Phil Bennett
Beta Tester Group
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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:45 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

do you have localhost in your hosts file?


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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:53 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

Yes, localhost is present. I can ping "localhost" also. But I did not setup anything (the question before).


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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 2:56 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

looks like the error can be ignored, server seems to run. You have to connect the console remotely from a PC, http://www.serviio.org/component/content/article/21#q2


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Post Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:51 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

matten wrote:Hello there.. I also got JAVA installed on my Synology 1010+ today. Is there any way of getting the console to work or doing the library entries manually?

OK this is pure awesome. I wish it was Friday so I could do this too on my 1010 too! I did order a 2GB DIMM just in case though :) Are you expecting to be able to transcode video on the 1010's Atom CPU or just remuxing and audio transcode?

Sony Bravia KDL-55NX810 | Serviio 0.5 (rev. 975aa458693c) | Synology DS-1010+


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Post Wed Jan 12, 2011 2:44 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

So guys, does this work ok? I'm tempted to get one of these DS110J NAS units. Back when I used XBMC I used to share all my content from an NSLU2 but it's too feeble to run Java for Serviio. Thing is, I read that the DS110J only has 128MB RAM. Is that really enough?
LG OLED55B8PLA | PS4 Pro | Xbox One S | Synology DS214play
Serviio 2.1 package for Synology NAS - with limited hardware transcoding support!


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Post Sat Jan 29, 2011 6:39 pm

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

I am still trying to get any kind of console working in order to control my serviio running on my DS 1010+. After that I will report if transcoding works.


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Post Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:25 am

Re: Setting up Serviio on my Synology DS110J NAS

My DS111 arrives tomorrow, so I'll be getting stuck in soon.
LG OLED55B8PLA | PS4 Pro | Xbox One S | Synology DS214play
Serviio 2.1 package for Synology NAS - with limited hardware transcoding support!

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