Post Mon Dec 21, 2020 5:34 pm

Getting plugin to find the playpath

So I know how to find the playpath using Wireshark. I can see it in a Real Time Messaging Protocol packet
Real Time Messaging Protocol (AMF3 Command play('mp4:flash/playback/_definst_/drwhoconfidential_06_07'))

But does anyone have any hints on how I can get my groovy plugin to generate this data on the fly.
I guess I need to simulate the click on the play button in the embeded player and then capture the packet. But I have no idea how to do that.
Below are a few of the packets from wire shark. Should I try and send a createStream() message? Man I am so lost. How does the web page know what play command to send. I can't see it. Any hints folks ? My plugin works if I hard code my play path. So I am sooooo close.