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Console security risk

PostPosted: Tue May 09, 2023 1:46 pm
by bharath026
For the console I connect [domainname:23423/console]. This is apparently open to the world to access. I have a User account specified for Mediabrowser access that challenges the user with name and password.

Is there any way to restrict the console to a specified user name and password?

Thanks for any assistance.

Re: Console security risk

PostPosted: Wed May 10, 2023 12:07 am
by atc98092
No, at this time there is no security on the console. However, it is not open to the Internet. It can only be accessed from the Internet if you've configured port forwarding for 23423 in your router/firewall to reach your Serviio machine. And there's really no need to do so, since you only need to make configuration changes while you're located at home. I strongly suggest you never port forward the console port.