nvidia acceleration ffmpeg "veryfast" not supported
I thought i try to save a few Watts of Power and use a simple nvidia card to encode to h264 (old 730, but it makes 40W difference and gives same or slightly better fps).
Environment is Windows Server 2016 serviio is running inside a VM. Serviio version is 2.4
So I got an ffmpeg version 5 (serviio ffmpeg is also 5) from gyan.dev which supports this card. Manually running a transcode works fine.
I replaced the ffmpeg supplied with serviio with the version fom gyan and edited the options file so that nvidia acceleration is used.
But there will be no output - ffempg terminates. I examined the commandline which is used to call the ffmpeg binary, and tried it manually in a shell. Ffmepg does not like the option "veryfast" which serviio sends. If I replace veryfast with fast, the transcoding will run.
But how do I tell serviio to send fast instead of veryfast? The applicationprofile.xml is full of options but none seems to change this setting?
In the UI of serviio I can set quality to high, but also this will not change the ffempg option to fast.
As a last resort, I could replace the ffempg with a batch file, extract the arguments, and replace any verfyfast with fast. That should work but its not a nice workaround. Since Serviio supports nvenc I rather suspect I did oversee something obvious?
Environment is Windows Server 2016 serviio is running inside a VM. Serviio version is 2.4
So I got an ffmpeg version 5 (serviio ffmpeg is also 5) from gyan.dev which supports this card. Manually running a transcode works fine.
I replaced the ffmpeg supplied with serviio with the version fom gyan and edited the options file so that nvidia acceleration is used.
But there will be no output - ffempg terminates. I examined the commandline which is used to call the ffmpeg binary, and tried it manually in a shell. Ffmepg does not like the option "veryfast" which serviio sends. If I replace veryfast with fast, the transcoding will run.
But how do I tell serviio to send fast instead of veryfast? The applicationprofile.xml is full of options but none seems to change this setting?
In the UI of serviio I can set quality to high, but also this will not change the ffempg option to fast.
As a last resort, I could replace the ffempg with a batch file, extract the arguments, and replace any verfyfast with fast. That should work but its not a nice workaround. Since Serviio supports nvenc I rather suspect I did oversee something obvious?