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Files are not added into the Library

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 8:27 am
by aurimask
The problem is that files are not added into the Library. The first time scan runs it add 23 items and that is it. Force refresh does not help. I have added [] into the names of my movies, maybe it is not supported? However few movies shows with those symbols. Also, is there a limit to how many movies a folder can have? It has 103 at the moment.

Nothing particular in the log:

2023-10-04T11:21:50,168 INFO  [FileDeltaWatcher] Using 'sun.nio.fs.WindowsWatchService' for delta scan
2023-10-04T11:21:55,740 INFO  [FeedUpdaterWorker] Started looking for information about online resources
2023-10-04T11:21:55,740 INFO  [RepositoriesStatusCoordinator$RepositoriesStatusThread] Started checking repositories status
2023-10-04T11:21:55,779 INFO  [LocalLibraryManager] Starting automatic library scan
2023-10-04T11:21:55,783 INFO  [LibraryDeltaScanner] Added repository 'G:\Moviesi' to delta scanner (NATIVE)
2023-10-04T11:21:55,783 INFO  [LibraryDeltaScanner] Starting the library delta scan
2023-10-04T11:21:55,784 INFO  [PlaylistMaintainerWorker] Started looking for playlist changes
2023-10-04T11:23:03,336 INFO  [LocalLibraryManager] Starting manual library scan
2023-10-04T11:23:03,374 INFO  [PlaylistMaintainerWorker] Finished looking for playlist changes
2023-10-04T11:23:03,476 INFO  [PlaylistMaintainerWorker] Started looking for playlist changes

Re: Files are not added into the Library

PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 2:33 pm
by atc98092
If there is a limit to the number of files in a folder, I don't know what it might be. I currently have 537 files in one of my library folders, and it scans them all without an issue. I have many folders that have more than 200.

Usually if the scanner encounters an issue with a file in a folder, it is flagged in the log. As you note, the log doesn't appear to show any problems. Could the brackets in the file names be an issue? I can't say, but I don't have any such characters in any of my files. I do use parentheses, but that's the only non-alphanumeric character I use. Well, looking at my one folder I do see some exclamation marks and hyphens, so I guess I do use a few other characters. But no brackets on any of my files. I've taken a quick glance at the Serviio help files, and I don't see brackets used in any file naming example, so it might be worth trying to change a few of the names and see if that makes any difference. If you have a lot of files to rename, using a renamer like Filebot might be worth using.