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Need to show stream directly on any phone by QR code

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 12:50 pm
by GiovanniG
Hi mates, my goal is as simple as the process to obtain it complicated, this is why I need your advices.

MY goal is to give any client a QR code, to see one (*only one*) local camera on their phones. It should work as easier as possible, QR code open browser and the browser shows the stream automatically (or by pressing play), no buttons, no intermediate web pages, etc.etc. Is it possible with Serviio?

Explaining better:
on the LAN there is a DVR which can stream the camera by RTSP, the video stream is 1080p h264, compatible with anything.
On the same LAN there is a Windows server that I can use to manage the stream and host the web server, the client connects to WiFi and get access on internet, the WiFi is on the same LAN of server.
To guarantee the maximum compatibility I need to use http, an empty static http page with window of player or just the streaming starting itself, the QR code witll open something like (the IP of server).

As I understand, the best way is to use a streaming protocol compatible with most of browser and http, or maybe there are other ways to open directly a streaming on the browser, I'm not expert about it, but for sure I know browsers won't open themselves an rtsp stream, maybe an http page whith a plugin to rtsp stream is possible?
Maybe an easy way to convert rtsp and open it by url to any browser?

Can Serviio do this?
Thank you

Re: Need to show stream directly on any phone by QR code

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2023 9:34 pm
by atc98092
Serviio is capable of streaming a RTSP feed, but I don't believe there's any way to isolate a user to a single selection.

Just a guess of my part, as I have never messed with RTSP, but you should be able to set up a firewall port forwarding rule to allow an external user to access the stream directly. In that case, a QR code should be able to open a browser directly to the public URL and display the feed. If a user name/password is required for access, that can usually be embedded in the URL, depending on the functionality of the RTSP feed.

Since you likely have your public IP address changing regularly (few home users have static public IP addresses), you would need to use a dynamic DNS service to provide you with a custom URL for your home connection. I use for mine, but I've had it for many years and I'm not certain they still offer free accounts for new users. But there are other free DDNS providers.

Re: Need to show stream directly on any phone by QR code

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:18 am
by GiovanniG
Hi, no need for internet connectio, everything stays under LAN, the camera, the server and the user.
I need something extremely easy, QR code and suddenly the camera video stream, it should not be needed to navigate or press buttons there.
Much better to "copy stream output" than re-encode whole stream. Much better if it creates multicast or unicast for every new connecton, instead of load the DVR for each connection (it listens for request and request a new RTSP for every request, much better if it asks only for one RTSP and copy it to any user, or use multicast).

I suppose Serviio can't do this, probably solution is WebRTC