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Console closes instantly



Serviio newbie

Posts: 3

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:22 pm

Post Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:43 pm

Console closes instantly

Hey guys,

I installed Serviio recently but sadly it wont work :(
I can´t start the console for setting up the whole thing (precisely the exe starts and kills itself afterwards without saying anything).

2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] Serviio DLNA media streaming server v 1.0.1 (rev. 6dbf7c6e334f+)
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] Petr Nejedly 2009-2012
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] http://www.serviio.org
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer]
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] Java 1.7.0_09-Oracle Corporation
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] OS Windows 7 amd64 6.1
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] File encoding: windows-1252
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] Headless mode enabled: true
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] User home dir: C:\
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] Temp dir: C:\Windows\TEMP\
2012-11-25 19:11:13,177 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-11-25 19:11:13,267 INFO [WebServer] Socket buffer set to 65535 bytes
2012-11-25 19:11:13,267 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/rest) exposed on port 23423
2012-11-25 19:11:13,297 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/cds) exposed on port 23424
2012-11-25 19:11:13,297 INFO [RestletServer] Starting Restlet server (/mediabrowser) exposed on port 23424
2012-11-25 19:11:13,307 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Checking if DB schema needs to be updated
2012-11-25 19:11:15,237 INFO [DBSchemaUpdateExecutor] Updating DB schema
2012-11-25 19:11:18,587 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-11-25 19:11:18,587 INFO [MediaServer] License: PRO (EVALUATION, id: 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111113)
2012-11-25 19:11:18,587 INFO [MediaServer] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
2012-11-25 19:11:18,757 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing Profiles definition
2012-11-25 19:11:19,377 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Generic DLNA profile' (id=1)
2012-11-25 19:11:19,747 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (B-series)' (id=2)
2012-11-25 19:11:19,937 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Xbox 360' (id=3)
2012-11-25 19:11:20,217 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Playstation 3' (id=4)
2012-11-25 19:11:20,367 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV (A-series)' (id=5)
2012-11-25 19:11:20,487 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'DirecTV HD-DVR' (id=6)
2012-11-25 19:11:20,925 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Samsung TV / player (C/D/E-series)' (id=7)
2012-11-25 19:11:20,965 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'LG TV / player' (id=8)
2012-11-25 19:11:21,505 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2012)' (id=sony2012)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,155 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony BD Player / SMP' (id=10)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,385 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Toshiba REGZA' (id=13)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,525 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'WDTV Live' (id=14)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,545 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'LaCie LaCinema Media Player' (id=15)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,645 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Manta WIFI Centre' (id=16)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,685 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Pure Flow' (id=17)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,885 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sharp Aquos' (id=18)
2012-11-25 19:11:22,925 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2011)' (id=sony2011)
2012-11-25 19:11:23,125 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2010)' (id=sony2010)
2012-11-25 19:11:23,345 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Philips' (id=20)
2012-11-25 19:11:23,445 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2009)' (id=sony2009)
2012-11-25 19:11:23,495 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Denon AVR' (id=22)
2012-11-25 19:11:23,955 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Panasonic Viera G/GT/DT/UT/VT (2011/2012)' (id=viera2011a)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,015 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)' (id=viera2011)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,075 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Panasonic Viera (2010)' (id=viera2010)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,155 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2012) - US' (id=sony2012us)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,235 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Sony Bravia TV (2011) - US' (id=sony2011us)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,265 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Parsing Profiles definition
2012-11-25 19:11:24,535 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'Flash player' (id=flv_player)
2012-11-25 19:11:24,715 INFO [ProfilesDefinitionParser] Added profile 'ServiiGo' (id=serviigo)
2012-11-25 19:11:25,135 INFO [Device] Created UPnP Device with UUID: 92364609-eb74-3e48-a97f-fb1c988d0a03, bound address:
2012-11-25 19:11:25,155 INFO [PluginCompilerThread] Looking for plugins at C:\Program Files\Serviio\bin\..\plugins
2012-11-25 19:11:25,155 INFO [PluginCompilerThread] Started looking for plugins
2012-11-25 19:11:25,155 INFO [UpdateChecker] Checking if a new version is available
2012-11-25 19:11:25,225 INFO [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Cleaning transcode engine and its data
2012-11-25 19:11:25,235 INFO [WebServer] WebServer starting on port 8895
2012-11-25 19:11:25,245 INFO [EventDispatcher] Starting EventDispatcher
2012-11-25 19:11:25,245 INFO [EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker] Starting EventSubscriptionExpirationChecker
2012-11-25 19:11:25,245 INFO [DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier] Starting DiscoveryAdvertisementNotifier
2012-11-25 19:11:25,255 INFO [RendererSearchSender] Searching for Renderer devices
2012-11-25 19:11:25,255 INFO [RendererExpirationChecker] Starting RendererExpirationChecker
2012-11-25 19:11:25,278 INFO [DiscoverySSDPMessageListener] Starting DiscoverySSDPMessageListener using interface eth4 (Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller) and address, timeout = 0
2012-11-25 19:11:26,428 INFO [RendererManager] Stored a new renderer: uuid='42e7b3ac-9127-4eb6-bd42-1f41644cda48', name = 'Unrecognized device', ipAddress='', profile = '1'
2012-11-25 19:11:26,608 INFO [RendererManager] Stored a new renderer: uuid='61f3aba8-6a95-c8e1-a015-47072c83c57d', name = 'UE46D6500', ipAddress='', profile = '7'
2012-11-25 19:11:36,299 INFO [ServiioConsole] Starting Serviio Console
2012-11-25 19:11:36,369 INFO [ServiioConsole] Connecting to Serviio REST on localhost:23423
2012-11-25 19:11:36,891 INFO [Messages] Loaded console message bundle for locale: en
2012-11-25 19:11:39,023 INFO [ContentDirectoryDefinitionParser] Parsing ContentDirectory definition
2012-11-25 19:11:39,583 INFO [BrowsingCategoriesMessages] Loaded browsing categories message bundle for locale: en
2012-11-25 19:11:39,963 ERROR [ServiioConsole] Unexpected exception occured: null
at com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.XPStyle.getTypeEnumName(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.XPStyle.getBorder(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel$XPBorderValue.getXPValue(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.java.swing.plaf.windows.WindowsLookAndFeel$XPValue.createValue(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getFromHashtable(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.UIDefaults.get(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.MultiUIDefaults.get(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.UIDefaults.getBorder(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.UIManager.getBorder(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.border.TitledBorder.getBorder(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.border.TitledBorder.getBorderInsets(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.border.AbstractBorder.getBorderInsets(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getInsets(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout.adjustSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout.preferredLayoutSize(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.preferredSize(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.calculateNonlinkedPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.calculateNonlinkedMinimumSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.calculateMinimumSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Spring.getMinimumSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$ComponentSpring.calculatePreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Spring.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.getSpringSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.calculateSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.calculatePreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Spring.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.getSpringSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.calculateSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.calculatePreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Spring.getPreferredSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$SequentialGroup.setValidSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout$Group.setSize(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout.calculateAutopadding(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.GroupLayout.layoutContainer(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.layout(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.doLayout(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateTree(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validate(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Container.validateUnconditionally(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.Window.pack(Unknown Source)
at org.serviio.ui.view.swing.ServiioFrameView.<init>(ServiioFrameView.java:85)
at org.serviio.console.ServiioConsole.main(ServiioConsole.java:105)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.exe4j.runtime.LauncherEngine.launch(Unknown Source)
at com.exe4j.runtime.WinLauncher.main(Unknown Source)
2012-11-25 19:11:39,963 INFO [ServiioConsole] Leaving Serviio Console

Any ideas?

btw. I tried reinstalling new java versions (64bit & 32bit, 64bit solo) as stated in some other threads but it didn´t help me :(


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Location: USA, NJ

Post Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:05 pm

Re: Console closes instantly

Hi Kuppl.

Had the same problem. Fixed it by uninstalling all versions of java on my system and then letting seviio install the java version (1.7.0_50) included with the install package.



Serviio newbie

Posts: 3

Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:22 pm

Post Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:16 pm

Re: Console closes instantly

hey unclemax,

thanks for the answer. I tried that before and it didn´t work for me, still the same error :(

Any other ideas?


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Serviio developer / Site Admin

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Location: London, UK

Post Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:08 pm

Re: Console closes instantly

This is a low level Java / Windows problem. Not much we can do, other than trying a different Java version that works for you.

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