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Video Scrubbing and Thumnails

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:49 pm
by regix

First of all, I'd like to compliment for the good work, Serviio is awesome!

Next, I'd like to ask for some clarification:

1) I've managed to add some custom online sources and play them on my LG Smart TV as a Live Stream. Everything works just fin except for one thing: it appears that for these online sources I'm not able to use the video scrubbing function directly from the TV, so if I accidentally stop the video at some point, I have to watch it again from the beginning. Note that in case of a video downloaded on my PC and streamed to the TV from a shared folder video scrubbing works perfectly. Is there a way to fix this for online sources?

2) When adding thumbnails, some are showing on my TV and some aren't; I'm adding JPGs, is there a maximum size or a precise format which I should use?

Thanks in advance
