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Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:25 am
by Exodite
Former Sony Media Server user here, migrated to Serviio once I started digging into the technical aspects a bit more and now I'm keen to update my profile to handle h265 media!

I've been having some trouble getting h265 media files to transcode onto my device without forcing transcoding of all files, needless to say a less than optimal solution, but the answer came to me while writing this post so I thought I'd share my experience.

Initially I just added the bolded line below to the "unsupported" part of the the "bdp2010" profile.

<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" maxVBitrate="17000" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="320" forceVTranscoding="true" forceInheritance="true">
<Matches container="asf" />
<Matches container="*" vCodec="h265" />

However, this didn't work and I suspected that my test file either

  • didn't correctly identify as h265 or
  • some existing target in the profile were interfering with my addition.

Turns out it was the latter, specifically the forced remuxing of matroska to mpeg-ts to fix stutter after seeking on my device.

Since the software matches against the first possible hit, and the remuxing bits being at the top of the transcoding profile, I went back to the original profile and simply added the following at the very top of the transcoding profile.

<Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" >
<Matches container="*" vCodec="h265" />

In short nothing too fancy and only really suitable for my personal use but as it was a new experience to me, and a positive one at that, I thought I'd share it in case it helps someone else out there. :)

Many thanks for an awesome software package!

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 10:59 am
by Illico
bdp2010 profile inherits of bdp2012 --> bdp2013 --> Generic profile.

Any of these devices does not support h265 codec.

So I suggest to add line on top bdp2013 profile, (something line 996 of 1.5 profiles.xml file ):
            <Video targetContainer="mpegts" targetVCodec="mpeg2video" maxVBitrate="17000" targetACodec="ac3" aBitrate="320" forceInheritance="true">
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h265"/>
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high_10" />
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high_444" />
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high_422" />
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
                <Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="main" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
                <Matches container="matroska" vCodec="vp8" />

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 2:56 pm
by Exodite
Thanks for your reply!

I noticed the inheritance, I just wanted to minimize my editing (and thus potential impact on other devices I might hook up) as my experience in the area is minimal.

Your solution is certainly more elegant, as well as more generally applicable, so thanks for that!

I especially enjoy finding out about which h264 variants that I can expect issues with, though I've yet to run across any that won't play out of the box.

The "code" tag also makes a lot of sense now, I'll move to use that in the future as it maintains formatting.

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:19 pm
by atc98092
Do we know if any TV supports H.265 via DLNA? I tried making a test file with H.265 video, but my Samsung wouldn't play it. It obviously supports H.265, since both Netflix and Amazon stream 4k video in H.265. Or did I do something wrong when I made the file?

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:25 am
by zip
I think someone said the H series Samsung supports h265...

what container are you using, mkv?

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:21 am
by atc98092
zip wrote:I think someone said the H series Samsung supports h265...

what container are you using, mkv?

I think it was MKV, but since it didn't work I deleted it and can't remember. I'll have to try another one, and I'll experiment with different containers.

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:26 pm
by noodle
Hello guys,

I have the same problem - can't play h265 encoded videos on my LG 32LM611S TV set. :-(
Where can I find these 'profiles' you are talking about? I couldn't find any such file (using Serviio 1.7).
What would be great is if Serviio would automatically transcode .h265 encoded files to .h264 or whatever is compatible for my TV.

thanks for any help-

Re: Transcoding h265 onto Sony BDP-S470

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 5:54 pm
by atc98092
noodle wrote:Hello guys,

I have the same problem - can't play h265 encoded videos on my LG 32LM611S TV set. :-(
Where can I find these 'profiles' you are talking about? I couldn't find any such file (using Serviio 1.7).
What would be great is if Serviio would automatically transcode .h265 encoded files to .h264 or whatever is compatible for my TV.

thanks for any help-

In the Serviio install location, there will be a directory labeled config. in that location is the profiles file, named profiles.xml. The XML coding is pretty straightforward, but does not tolerate any errors. Serviio will not start if there's so much as a comma out of place.