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Serviio does not see some MP3's



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Post Tue Oct 18, 2022 12:57 am

Serviio does not see some MP3's

I just started adding some MP3's to Serviio.
The first folder (Audio Books) contains 502 MP3s. All are good MP3's, no corruption.
Missing2.jpg (11.69 KiB) Viewed 2351 times

Yet Serviio only registers 490 out of the 502 files.
Missing3.jpg (6.05 KiB) Viewed 2351 times

The unseen files were encoded by LAME 3.99r
Chapter 5 was not encoded by LAME 3.99r and it shows up.
Chapter 6 was encoded by LAME 3.99r and it does not show up.
Missing.jpg (98.05 KiB) Viewed 2351 times

I have been capturing music for more than 20 years and many of my files are encoded with LAME 3.99r.
Is there a way to cause Serviio to see these files?

Thank You


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Post Tue Oct 18, 2022 1:37 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

I would first try updating the version of ffmpeg that comes with Serviio. I had some Dolby Vision test clips that Serviio did not see, and updating ffmpeg added most of them in. You can download Windows versions of ffmpeg here: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ I've never had a problem using a different version than what comes with Serviio. After you download it, copy FFMPEG.EXE into the C:\Program Files\Serviio\Lib folder. I always rename the existing file so I still have it, but I've never needed to switch back.

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Post Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:02 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

My Serviio 2.2.1 is running in a jail on a Truenas Server.

I would have to start a research project to find out how to even find Serviio and it's FFMPEG.
I know CD and LS -L but that has not allowed me to find Serviio.
I gave up after an hour of CD-ing and LS -L-ing through endless directories.

I suppose if I can find where Serviio was installed, I can find FFMPEG.
But, once I do find Serviio, I still don't know how I would actually get the new FFMPEG file into the jail.
I've used FFMPEG on windows for most of the past decade but, this helps me not when it comes to Truenas.
Serviio was installed into the jail pretty much automatically from some repository by issuing a single command that I found on the web.

I'm not so sure if I want to spend days researching how to find Serviio and how to get the newest BSD compatible copy of FFMPEG into Serviio's jail.

I guess that I am just hoisted on my own petard of BSD/Linux ignorance.

Thanks for your help.


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Post Tue Oct 18, 2022 2:26 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

Sorry, that image indicated a Windows installation. The link I provided only has Windows versions of ffmpeg.

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Post Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:29 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

O.K. now I have the answer(s).
Remember that this is Serviio 2.2.1 running in a jail on a Truenas server.

First, Serviio does not index Windows shortcuts.
I don't know if Serviio will index shortcuts in a pure Windows environment. I can't test that anymore.

Second, Serviio does not index MP3s encoded with LAME3.99r.

Third, Serviio does not index MP3s with Truenas attributes -rwxrwx---+ nor does it index MP3s in any folder with attributes drwxrwx---+.

Any time I re-encode an MP3 to something other than LAME3.99r, Truenas applies the attributes -rwxrwx---+ to the new MP3, making the file invisible to Serviio.
Any time I create a new folder to hold MP3s, Truenas applies the attributes drwxrwx---+ to the new directory, making all files in that directory invisible to Serviio.
I assume that this Truenas behavior could be changed but, not by me. I have no clue how to do that and have no time to waste finding out how.

To fix the first issue, I do a windows search for *.lnk to find any shortcuts, then I replace them with actual copies of the MP3s they pointed to, to eliminate the shortcuts.

Then, to fix the second issue, I wrote this batch program to automatically find and re-encode any MP3 that was originally encoded with LAME3.99r.
Here's the contents of the batch file:
@echo off
if not "%1"=="am_admin" (
powershell -Command "Start-Process -Verb RunAs -FilePath '%0' -ArgumentList 'am_admin'"
exit /b
cd /D %~dp0
findstr /s /M "LAME3.99r" * > Files.txt

for /F "tokens=*" %%i in (files.txt) do (
if not "%%~ni"=="Fix_LAME" (
B:\Tools\ffmpeg\x64\ffmpeg.exe -y -stats -i "%%i" -vn -ar 44100 -ac 2 -b:a 192k -map_metadata:g -1 -threads 12 "%%~fni.mp3"
del "%%i"
ren "%%i.mp3" "%%~ni.mp3"

The batch program above is not commented. Those that do not understand it probably should not use it.

To fix the third issue I keep a console window open on the Truenas server so I can do "chmod -R 777 FolderName" on the top level directory that I've fixed the first or second issues within.

Here are the steps I did to fix the issues.
To start with, I removed all music folders from Serviio. That took something like a day's worth of time.
First, I fix any shortcut issues in the next music folder that needs to be fixed.
Then I copy the batch file to that top-level folder and run it.
At the first pause I examine the Files.txt file to see if there is any re-encoding work to be done as well as a sanity check on the Files.txt contents.
Then I hit enter to allow the batch program to proceed to re-encode all the files in Files.txt file with FFMPEG.
FFMPEG is done when the batch program hits the second pause.
Then I go to my Truenas console and do a "chmod -R 777 FolderName" to set all directory and file attributes to rwxrwxrwx+ from that top-level directory.
Then I add the music folder back into Serviio and it indexes every MP3 without a hitch.

This has cost me three whole days of valuable time that I did not want to spend.

I hope this information will help others that find themselves in a similar situation.

All for now


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Post Wed Oct 19, 2022 3:44 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

By the way.
If the batch file says "FINDSTR: Cannot open SomeFileName".
Go find that file and fix the file name.
The file contains at least one illegal character in the file name like unicode " or ' or : or maybe some foreign characters with diacriticals.
It especially does not like Cyrillic or Scandinavian characters.
Once you fix the file name run the batch file again.

All for now.


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Post Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:39 pm

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

OK, glad you found all that. No, Serviio will only index actual files. The OS doesn't matter, it does the same on Windows as on Linux. I tried using symbolic links on a Linux test computer I built, and it would never recognize a link to a different location, regardless if it were on the local computer or a networked location.

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Post Fri Oct 21, 2022 3:38 am

Re: Serviio does not see some MP3's

I tried hard links and symbolic links in Truenas' BSD environment.
The Serviio running in a jail on Truenas ignores those links as well.

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