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HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)



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Post Thu Apr 14, 2011 9:31 pm

HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

EDIT: There is now a optware package available that should be alot easier to install serviio from
Head over to http://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=252&t=45994 and follow the instructions, it should make installing a lot easier.

Will keep the procedure I used below here incase anyone can't get the qpkg to work.

Thought I should write down my success (i think now atleast) story too and maybe i will help someone out.

Note: If you get some problems I am fairly sure I wont be able to help you out since everything feels sorta unstable once you reboot, the smallest error and nothing will work after bootup and you have to go through all config again and reboot (which takes like 5-10 minutes).

The biggest issues I had setting it up is that basically you can't change any base config in for example/etc/init.d/ folders and whatnot, cause the QNAP NAS will overwrite most of it with its built-in settings (probably wise to avoid support issues where people have bricked their NAS or something by scewing up the OS :) )

Anyways, what I did to get everything to run smoothly is (I might have missed a bit here and there, but bear with me):

0. I used most of the synology guide at http://pcloadletter.co.uk/2011/02/07/se ... h-arm-cpu/ as reference since the systems are really similar.

1. Start by installing IPKG Optware from the appliaction services/qpkg plugins page (also make sure to enable it) from the QNAP web administration frontend.

2. Also set up the web server and install the serviio web frontend (i used v, some things dont work, like setting what categories to show.

3. use for eample putty and login to the server.

4. make a tmp dir in /opt/tmp
mkdir /opt/tmp

5. From http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/ ... 59989.html get the ARM v5 embedded runtime. The file I got (after all email stuff etc) was called 'ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-sflt-eabi-headless-27_sep_2010.tar.gz'

6. Put the file somewhere on your NAS and copy it to the temp folder
cp /share/MyStuff/ejre-1_6_0_21-fcs-b09-linux-arm-sflt-eabi-headless-27_sep_2010.tar.gz /opt/tmp

7. Download some required files in this new folder
cd /opt/tmp
wget http://download.serviio.org/releases/serviio-0.5.2-linux.tar.gz
wget http://download.serviio.org/opensource/ffmpeg-26303.tar.gz

8. Extract all the .tar.gz files in this folder with the command
tar xvzf filename.tar.gz

9. Install some required components through the Optware package manager, also install nano since its a better text editor than vi
ipkg install optware-devel
ipkg install lame
ipkg install nano

10. Put some stuff in better places
mv serviio-0.5.2 /opt/serviio
mkdir /opt/java
mv ejre1.6.0_21 /opt/java/

11. Now its time to compile ffmpeg, i had to edit the config file to be able to run it on my QNAP NAS, there was some command that constantly failed (mktemp), I used the suggestion in this thread to resolve it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4581 ... ure-script
nano /opt/tmp/ffmpeg/configure

and make the neccesary changes according to the thread above, and incase it dies, change the line
if ! check_cmd type mktemp; then

if true; then

after you done that, its time to compile ffmpeg
cd /opt/tmp/ffmpeg
./configure --arch=arm --enable-armv5te --prefix=/opt --extra-cflags='-I/opt/include' --extra-ldflags='-L/opt/lib' --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-libmp3lame
make install

Note that both configure and make take a long time to complete (like several minutes for configure and up to 20-30 minutes for make), make also shows some warnings, but its nothing to worry about, just sloppy coders :)

12. When that is done, you should be able to test if ffmpeg is correctly installed:
cd /opt/bin

this should hopefully generate an error that libmp3lame.so.0 could not be found (atleast it did for me), we will resolve this shortly.
You could also try to move out of the folder /opt/bin and run ffmpeg, this should hopefully launch the old ffmpeg included on the NAS for twonkymedia. You can see that the old ones build date/time is not just today (since you just compiled the new one). The text --enable-libmp3lame should also not be present in what ffmpeg prints out when you run it if it is the old one already on the NAS.

13. Now its time for some configuration
nano /opt/Optware.sh

find the line below
        # adding Ipkg apps into system path ...

and replace the two lines just below it with the following
        /bin/cat /etc/profile | /bin/grep "PATH" | /bin/grep "/opt/bin" 1>>/dev/null 2>>/dev/null
        [ $? -ne 0 ] && /bin/echo "export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:/opt/java/ejre1.6.0_21/bin:\$PATH" >> /etc/profile

This is to resolve a bug where the paths are added in the wrong order, refer to http://wiki.qnap.com/wiki/Install_Optwa ... .2Fprofile for an explanation of why. as you can see above, we also add the path to java above, so it is not exactly the same as in the link.

Also add the init script execution fix from the wiki link just below the two changed lines:
# Patch per http://wiki.qnap.com/wiki/Install_Optware_IPKG
  /bin/echo "Run Optware/ipkg /opt/etc/init.d/*"
     source /etc/profile
        # Start all init scripts in /opt/etc/init.d
   # executing them in numerical order.
   for i in /opt/etc/init.d/S??* ;do
       # Ignore dangling symlinks (if any).
           #[ ! -f "$i" ] && continue

            case "$i" in
               # Source shell script for speed.
              trap - INT QUIT TSTP
         set start
              . $i
              # No sh extension, so fork subprocess.
              $i start
# End patch

14. Make a few config files in /opt/etc/init.d for serviio and ffmpeg (stupid names, i have no idea if the Sxx makes any difference whatsoever, but mine are named that and they are working so..)
nano /opt/etc/init.d/S95misc.sh

add the following to the file
ldconfig /opt/lib
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java/ejre1.6.0_21

The ldconfig is so ffmpeg can find libmp3lame.so.0 later on, i also try in vain to create a environment variable for JAVA_HOME, but that will not work, dont worry though, its not needed.

Create the serviio daemon script
nano /opt/etc/init.d/S99serviio.sh

add the following to the file

case "$1" in

        echo "Stop Serviio..."
        "/opt/serviio/bin/serviio.sh -stop" > /dev/null 2>&1 &

        # start Serviio in background mode
        "/opt/serviio/bin/serviio.sh" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
        echo "Start Serviio..."

        $0 stop
        sleep 1
        $0 start

        echo "usage: $0 { start | stop | restart}" >&2
        exit 1


Also make both files executable
chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S95misc.sh
chmod +x /opt/etc/init.d/S99serviio.sh

15. Almost there now. Edit the serviio start file
nano /opt/serviio/bin/serviio.sh

Just before the last line of that file (that start the server), add the following
export LANG

I had to place that there, even tho the system has utf8 already set, serviio would ignore that and use US-ASCII anyways, if you put it there, serviio will run on UTF8 and hopefully be able to handle special characters (mine did atleast)

Also, on the very last line of this file, there is the actual command to start the server, at the end of this line, add a space and the character & so it reads something like below
"$JAVA" -Xmx384M $JAVA_OPTS -classpath "$SERVIIO_CLASS_PATH" org.serviio.MediaServer "$@" &

That will make serviio actually run in the background on startup should you ever want to start it manually instead of on system start (the start script in /opt/init.d *should* already take care of this during system startup)

16. Reboot the system

17. Now hopefully everything should work, once the NAS is up, try logging in to with with putty and run ps, it should generate a list of processes with a line similar to the one below in there somewhere (the actual numbers will vary ofcourse)
 4168 admin     56036 S   java -Xmx384M -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true

This means serviio is running, you should be able to check the configuration fromtend by surfing to wherever you put that in step 2

also, try to run ffmpeg, the output should be something similar to below:
[/opt/etc/init.d] # ffmpeg
FFmpeg version UNKNOWN, Copyright (c) 2000-2011 the FFmpeg developers
  built on Apr 13 2011 20:14:18 with gcc 4.2.3
  configuration: --arch=arm --enable-armv5te --prefix=/opt --extra-cflags=-I/opt/include --extra-ldflags=-L/opt/lib --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-ffplay --disable-ffserver --enable-libmp3lame
  libavutil     50.36. 0 / 50.36. 0
  libavcore      0.16. 0 /  0.16. 0
  libavcodec    52.108. 0 / 52.108. 0
  libavformat   52.92. 0 / 52.92. 0
  libavdevice   52. 2. 3 / 52. 2. 3
  libavfilter    1.72. 0 /  1.72. 0
  libswscale     0.12. 0 /  0.12. 0
Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder
usage: ffmpeg [options] [[infile options] -i infile]... {[outfile options] outfile}...

Use -h to get full help or, even better, run 'man ffmpeg'

There is probably some security issues while running all this as admin, but I couldn't for the life of me get anything working if i tried to run anything as another user, so I just gave up on it (same way as everyone turns off UAC on win vista/7) and ran as admin.
Also, im gonna try to be bold and install the latest ffmpeg some day in the future (from http://www.ffmpeg.org/releases/ffmpeg-0.6.90-rc0.tar.gz). But I havent dared that yet incase something breaks.
All in all, I can safely say that I now know 100 why linux will never be a OS for the "average joe" :)
I had serviio up and running in 10 minutes from scratch on my windows pc. On my NAS i have spent like 3-4 days just to get it working at all, and a few more tweaking it to run correctly on startup. So i am eagerly awaiting a "windows embedded os" :p

Note that when ffmpeg is running (like when serviio adds files to the library and extracts metadata), it is almost impossible to change any settings throguh the configuration frontend cause it eats almost all cpu power. So if you get errors when you change something just after you have added a new folder to the library, dont worry, when serviio is done adding, you cna change config again :) You can also ofcourse keep trying and hope to be lucky. Also as of v of the php frontend, you cant change anything on the presentation tab, it just reverts back to the default values. I am not sure where the error lies since there is no error reported to the frontend from serviio.
I also have not tried transcoding (i have it disabled) since I always just reencode any movie that my samsung PS50C7705 cant play (which is very few to be honest).

Ah well, regardless, it was a fun ride, and now im gonna watch some movies on my 50" samsung plasma tv.

Edit: Missed a tiny bit in #15 about running serviio in the background should you ever want to start it manually
Last edited by grisbilen on Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.


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Post Thu Apr 14, 2011 10:37 pm

Re: My experiences with serviio and QNAP 419p+ (Success!)

Great stuff, man. :mrgreen:


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Post Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:05 am

Re: My experiences with serviio and QNAP 419p+ (Success!)

excellent post mate :) now i have something to reference for QNAP issues :D
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Post Sun Apr 17, 2011 12:48 am

Re: My experiences with serviio and QNAP 419p+ (Success!)

grisbilen wrote:All in all, I can safely say that I now know 100 why linux will never be a OS for the "average joe" :)

True, but if people carry on accurately writing up tutorials like this then that will change :) nice one!

I was in a situation literally yesterday at work when I needed to test something using OpenLDAP to prove a point and I couldn't get it working with a crappy compile someone had made for Win32 - in the end I used my Syno to do it. Now I've looked into getting a MinGW build environment set up on my PC. I'm becoming something of a convert to building your own binaries for stuff that matters. And once you understand the concepts in broad strokes (which you can learn from tasks such as these) it's really not that hard. The barrier is usually the first 10-20%, which a good guide can take care of.
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Serviio 2.1 package for Synology NAS - with limited hardware transcoding support!


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Post Mon Jul 18, 2011 4:39 pm

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

In the absence of any official Qnap support someone managed to create a custom QPKG on the Qnap forum. Internaut19 has kindly put this together. They have managed to iron out some of the install issues over the last week. This variant requires that the JRE QPKG be isntalled first. Anyway, it worked on my Qnap TS419P+. Make sure you start up/enable the JRE prior to installing the serviio QPKG else the serviio QPKG stall out at 5%.


Was wondering whether the Serviio team should talk with Internaut19 (Cristian) direct to see if they can collaborate future updates?
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Post Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:44 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

Hello everyone and congratulations to (magnific ZIP :D ), Serviio is the number 1.. sorry my English, I'm Italian NEWBIES :oops: .

I installed Windows XP (Serviio 0.5.2) with success ....
I installed Ubuntu Linux Natty 11.04 (serviio 0.5.2) successfully ...

NOW, I have a QNAP 419P + (ARM CPU) with 4 HD/2TB, I configured the RAID 5 (space total 5.584GB).
Unfortunately, I tried and tried ... following the excellent guides and copying the code MOLECULEZ, GRISBILEN, PATTERS, but they are very NEWBIES and then I can not ...!!

someone has a step / step up correctly in a QNAP 419P + ..??
or someone can help me ..??

Thank you very much, Maria.
Panasonic TX-P42G20E | QNAP 419P+ | Linux Ubuntu 11.04 | Windows XP |


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Post Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:02 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)


I have the same Qnap and configuration as you. Follow the link in my previous post, internaut19 has produced a Qpackage that makes install simpler.
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Post Mon Aug 08, 2011 9:36 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

thank you very much...
I read the link (INTERNAUT19) very good, but I can not find what you tell me:
1)correct (JAVA for my QNAP ARM) download link: qpkg jre
2)correct download link: qpkg serviio

you are kind, you can give me direct links to download these packages, and education step / step, thanks again. Mary
Panasonic TX-P42G20E | QNAP 419P+ | Linux Ubuntu 11.04 | Windows XP |


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Post Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:41 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

Now I'm trying with the QNAP419P+ and Serviio 0.5.2, my TV is Panasonic Viera TX-P42G20E, everything works very well, but many (AVI files) I can not use the BREAK-FORWARD-REWIND.

I tried using all available profiles of Serviio, but the only one who is better (Panasonic Viera), but the problem remains of many AVI files.

Using the profile (Toshiba Rezga) in (AVI video file) with the problem, I can use the PAUSA-REWIND-FORWARD, unfortunately I get other problems on the rest of the video files (video file taking/jump, or do not work MKV).

I also installed on the QNAP 419P TwonkyMediaserver, and the same (AVI video files) that have problems, they work properly.

if you can help, I copy the profile that uses TwonkyMediaServer:
NA:Panasonic VIERA
MT:avi,divx video/avi

Using my TV Panasonic Viera TX-P42G20E Serviio with other two servers (Windows XP and Linux Ubuntu) with the same version of Serviio 0.5.2, the profile I use is (Panasonic Viera) everything works fine (even video files to AVI problems).

some idea, thank you very much
Panasonic TX-P42G20E | QNAP 419P+ | Linux Ubuntu 11.04 | Windows XP |


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Post Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:53 pm

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

Qnap TS-210

Before installation Serviio I disable built-in UPnP Media Server, so my nas was not using port 9000.
When I go to http://my_ip:9000 there was no connection.
I installed Serviio by QPKG, but when I go to http://my_ip/serviio/ , it was an error :

Cannot connect to Serviio server, it does not seem to be running. Exiting...

I want to view log, but I can not find it.
find / -name 'serviio*'

ls -la /opt/serviio/

No log file or folder.

I tryed to install it manually, as it was written in this topic.

I don`t understand what file to edit in this case:
Also add the init script execution fix from the wiki link just below the two changed lines:

So, now I make command ps and I can`t find any Serviio process, except:
3994 admin     13344 R   /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i /share/HDA_DATA/Qmultimedia/video/п║п╡п╣я┌п╬я└п╬я─/п║п╡п╣я┌_01_e_01.avi -b 300k -ar 22050 -ab 56k -qmin 6 -qmax

I go to http://my_ip/serviio , and it is an error:
The requested URL /serviio/ was not found on this server.

Help me, to run it, please.

Maybe, I don`t have any log because:
4187 admin 2920 S qLogEngined: Write log is disabled...


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Post Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:55 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

I can NOT be responsible for what I write .... but considering that I QNAP 419P+, and I have already successfully performed the installation of Serviio, I suggest you restore QNAP DEFAULT, then follow the step / step:

1) Through "PUTTY": Command to check the "version" of its QNAP:

2) here is a summary table, you need to figure out which package to download and install:
ARM (x09 series) [TS-109/ 209/ 409/ 409U]
ARM (x19 series) [TS-110/ 119/ 210/ 219/ 219P/ 410/ 419P/ 419U / x19P+]

3) FIRST, read the link and also updating:

4) Installing Java on ARM, read this link:
-NOTE: Oracle, to download the JRE you have to register and then request and receive email with a link to download.

5) Through the "network resuorce" I copy the folder on the QNAP (public) file:
-NOTE: that the package is downloaded from Oracle as an extension (nome.tar.tar)
then rename it by removing a (.tar) and add a (.gz) then I get:

6) Through the "application server" and then "QPGK Plugins", select and install: JRE_6_arm-x19.qpkg and active.
CONDITION: the package QPGK, JRE_6_arm-x19.qpkg, expects to find...the file (ejre-1_6_0_25-fcs-b06-linux-arm-eabi-sFlt-headless-14_apr_2011.tar.gz) in the folder (Public).
After reboot the QNAP.

7) Through the "application server" and then "QPGK Plugins", select and install: Serviio_0.5.2_b1_arm-x19.qpkg and active. After reboot the QNAP.

8) Through the "application server" and then "QPGK Plugins", select and install: Optware_0.99.163_arm x19.qpkg and active.

9) Through "PUTTY":
ipkg install nano

10) Through "PUTTY":
nano /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Serviio/serviio.sh
-Make sure the line (68) the IP address of the NAS is correct and add the UTF-8:

ORIGINAL # Setup Serviio specific properties
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dderby.system.home=$SERVIIO_HOME/library -Dserviio.home=$SERVIIO_HOME"

MODIFIED # Setup Serviio specific properties
JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dderby.system.home=$SERVIIO_HOME/library -Dserviio.home=$SERVIIO_HOME -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dserviio.remoteHost= -Dffmpeg.location=/root/.serviio/opt/bin/ffmpeg"

11) Through "PUTTY":
nano /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Serviio/web_ui/config.php
-Verify that the line (2) the IP address of the NAS is correct:
$ serviio_host = "";

12) Make sure the path CONSOLE serviio temporary file is:
-Transcoded files location: /root/.serviio/tmp/

Panasonic TX-P42G20E | QNAP 419P+ | Linux Ubuntu 11.04 | Windows XP |


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Post Thu Oct 27, 2011 2:14 pm

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)


I managed to install Serviio on my TS-419P+ using the instructions here: http://forum.qnap.com/viewtopic.php?f=252&t=45994

The problem I am having is with indexing my files. I have >44000 images and >2000 videos. When I point the library, (either via the web console, or the desktop client linked to the NAS Serviio server), it seems to stall indexing whenever ffmpeg is invoked on the NAS. This might happen when Twonky is running, (so I disabled it), or when a DLNA client starts to browse the files.

I cannot seem to get a reliable way to index and re-index my folders.

Can anybody suggest any debugging that I might try?

Best regards,


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Post Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:22 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

I've never felt that managing large numbers of images (or music!) was Serviio's forte. I use it for video only these days just because of the indexing issue. It's not speedy on the 219P II, so I can just image what it's like on something less than a 2GHz A5.

I did manage to get it installed on a TS-219P II after a while. It kept bombing out halfway through the package install, but finally decided to work once I'd got it up and running the manual way depicted at the beginning of the thread. :? That said, it's easier to manage as a package so I'm using that one.

My only issue is that the Presentation options in the web interface do nothing. I hate having all those useless (because metadata fetches have never worked for me) empty categories.


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Post Fri Oct 28, 2011 8:41 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)


Sure, I have it installed fine by following the instructions on the QNAP Serviio forum, installing JRE manually etc...

The problem that keeps occurring, (besides it taking a long while to index), is that anything invokes ffmpeg, (I think), stalls the indexing process. And then there is no way to get it to start indexing until I restart the NAS. I wanted to run Twonky in parallel to deal with photos and leave just videos to Serviio, but I think that having Twonky active keeps on interfering with video indexing from Serviio.

I don't mind having Twonky disabled, and letting Serviio deal with all of my media, but ffmpeg gets invoked for transcoding too, so whilst waiting for indexing, you cannot even start to watch something, otherwise you will have to restart the NAS again to get the indexing to complete!

I think that this might be a general problem, and not just a NAS problem. Any ideas anyone?

Best regards,


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Post Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:00 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

So I worked out that the generate thumbnails bit was hogging ffmpeg, so turned it off and everything is indexed now.

The real problem is that serviio doesn't seem to index new files reliably. I have the update set to every 5mins. Yesterday I added some new files to the watched folders at around 6pm and the logs show that they have not been added until around 9pm. Is there any debugging that I can do to work out the reason behind this. It is good that eventually things get added, but unless its reliable, I always still have to fallback to Twonky.

I have cross posted to the QNAP forum too.


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Post Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:12 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

N171N wrote: Yesterday I added some new files to the watched folders at around 6pm and the logs show that they have not been added until around 9pm. Is there any debugging that I can do to work out the reason behind this.

That's weird. You could enable detailed logging, try to add a file and post the result.


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Post Tue Nov 01, 2011 11:25 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)


Thanks for the quick reply. I will try this when my NAS is sorted, I'm currently in the process of extending my RAID array so I expect it will take a couple of days. There was some insight from Cristian on the QNAP forum which might shed some light on the matter:



The time delay, I think is caused by JAVA not detecting the correct timezone ... on My NAS the difference between the system time and time detected by java is 3 hours ... I looked at how to correct this but sadly couldn't find a fix for it.


Anyway, I will report back the detailed log once I've had a go.

Best regards,


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Post Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:44 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)


I have had some success after following the instructions from Cristian on the QNAP forum:

Actually, looks like it is simpler then initially thought ...
You will need to edit the serviio.sh start/stop script and add the following line after line 37:

export TZ=`/sbin/getcfg System "Time Zone" -f /etc/config/uLinux.conf`

This seems to be making media updating a little more reliable. Once serviio and my library have calmed down a little, I will do a proper test by adding media/removing media etc... and checking the reliability of updates.

Thanks for your help and advice.

Best regards,


Serviio newbie

Posts: 13

Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:42 pm

Post Mon Dec 05, 2011 7:01 pm

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

Not that active here, but i finally dared to upgrade my instalaltion to, everything worked like a charm by just copying all files from the new archive and preserving the library folder, the only thing i did when upgrading was adding a '&' at the very end of the serviio.sh script in the bin folder to make it run in the background on startup.

Anyways, for future reference, the optware qpkg should be the preferred way to install serviio (as it is a lot easier), so I added that to the top of the OP in this topic.


Serviio newbie

Posts: 1

Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:39 am

Post Wed Jan 18, 2012 11:42 am

Re: HOWTO: Serviio on QNAP TS-419P+ (ARM)

I got servioo working after following the instructions ( v 0.6.1) is the one I used in qpkg form.
It installed fine after I put in the embedded jre that had to be installed first and enabled.

Que I have is what do I use for the "local path" when I want to create a share so these files in the NAs box ( 419p+) can be seen on the dnla server ?
There are 2 options servioo gives - local path and path.

So say I have my files in the following folder from the root in the Qnap - /shared/ash/files
What do I put in the servioo page for sharing, do I use local path, path ?


Once servioo was up and running on the nas , the lg tv ( 980t) sees it fine. Now just need to share the folders so can actualyl play some stuff thru it.

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