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Trouble streaming to TCL42E5



Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:17 am

Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

I have a W7 64 bit PC that is my repository of media. the CPU is an AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1065T Processor, 2900 Mhz, 6 Cores
I have it wired throughout my home. The network is a gigabit network.
I have 2 televisions that I stream to with Serviio, both are Panasonics TCL42E5

I used to have zero problems with the rendering device set to Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011) even though these televisions dont quite fit that description.

Somewhere along the lines this has stopped working for me. I dont know if its the new Serviio or the version of Java I'm running.

Pausing and restarting does not work. If I stop the movie, restart and choose to start from "last stopped" it will not begin again. I just get a "please wait a moment" and nothing ever happens. When it plays, and it reliably plays, stopping or pausing or fast forwarding or anything other than just viewing the movie throws it into an unrecoverable "please wait a moment".

Might this be a Java thing?
I have Java 7 update 75 (because that was the recommended most stable version)
and I apparently also have
Java 8 update 31 (64 bit)

Any thoughts would be appreciated


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 12:53 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5


I suppose because I've not posted logs I'm not getting help. I have tried as instructed to change C\Program Files\Serviio\Config\Log4j to "enable DEBUG level for the logger to see detailed log output." but when I access Log4j and try to open it I get the message "This file does not have a program associated with it.." So I dont know how to proceed.

Is there an older version available? When I updated the version, as well as updating Java the program became difficult to use as I have detailed.

So what to do?


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 1:26 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

I just uninstalled and reinstalled the program with no difference.
While playing content on the television I fast forward and when I press play I get the "please wait a moment" message and the screen goes blank.

I accessed the logs and there was nothing obvious, mostly logs about acquiring my library. I tried to access Log4j to enable detailed logging and got the same "This file does not have a program associated with it..." message.

Kinda at a dead end.


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 2:56 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

OK I'm a dummy, I seem to have deleted Notepad++ to edit the XML file...soooooo give me a minute


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:12 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

Hey this is fun!
So I managed to edit the Log4j XML successfully....yea!
And now I cant seem to figure out how to clear the logs so I can capture whats going wrong with the player.

I love this app, its by far the best I've ever used and I've tried them all including paid apps. To be able to use it again would be great, however, being that I am just barely competent on a PC it seems as though following even the simplest instructions for providing logs is impossible for me.
Can anybody help?
Can I pay someone to help?
Is there a prayer that might be effective to get this thing working?


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 3:42 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

So I tried to play "Into the woods" on my Panasonic TCL42E5 and it played. I then tried to fast forward and while the time line did progress the image on the screen did not change (in my earlier version of Serviio when I fast forwarded the image on the television changed as I was fast forwarding) but froze from the moment I requested the fast forward. I let it fast forward for a minute or so then hit play and I got the "please wait a moment" along with a blank screen, and it did not recover.

These are the pertinent logs (I hope):
2015-03-15 10:27:27,988 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:27,988 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:27,992 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,009 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,011 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,011 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,011 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,019 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,019 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,020 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:28,020 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:28,025 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,025 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,025 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,026 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,026 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:28,027 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] No suitable transcoding job exists yet, start one for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,029 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Getting file of media item 499
2015-03-15 10:27:28,029 DEBUG [FFMPEGWrapper] Invoking FFmpeg to transcode video file: X:\Movies\Recent\Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:28,030 DEBUG [ProcessExecutor] Starting C:\Program Files\Serviio\bin\\..\lib\ffmpeg.exe -fflags +genpts -threads auto -i X:\Movies\Recent\Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4 -y -threads auto -c:v copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb -c:a ac3 -b:a 96k -ac 2 -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -sn -f mpegts C:\Windows\TEMP\Serviio\transcoding-temp-499-viera2011-ORIGINAL.stf
2015-03-15 10:27:28,047 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/500/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,047 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,048 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,048 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,049 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 500 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,050 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 500)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,051 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 500
2015-03-15 10:27:28,052 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 500)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,052 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 500
2015-03-15 10:27:28,053 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 23484
2015-03-15 10:27:28,054 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 23484,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,069 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/498/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,069 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,069 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,070 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,070 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 498 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,070 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 498)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,072 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 498
2015-03-15 10:27:28,073 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 498)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,073 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 498
2015-03-15 10:27:28,073 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 17670
2015-03-15 10:27:28,073 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 17670,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,086 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/497/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,086 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,087 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,087 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,087 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 497 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,087 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 497)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,088 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 497
2015-03-15 10:27:28,088 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 497)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,089 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 497
2015-03-15 10:27:28,089 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 17868
2015-03-15 10:27:28,089 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 17868,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,102 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/496/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,102 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,102 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,103 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,103 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 496 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,103 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 496)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,107 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 496
2015-03-15 10:27:28,107 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 496)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,108 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 496
2015-03-15 10:27:28,108 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 20985
2015-03-15 10:27:28,108 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 20985,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,121 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/495/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,121 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,122 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,122 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,122 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 495 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,122 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 495)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,123 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 495
2015-03-15 10:27:28,123 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 495)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,125 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 495
2015-03-15 10:27:28,125 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 21642
2015-03-15 10:27:28,126 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 21642,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,139 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/494/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,139 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,139 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,140 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,140 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 494 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,140 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 494)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,140 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 494
2015-03-15 10:27:28,141 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 494)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,141 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 494
2015-03-15 10:27:28,141 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 21642
2015-03-15 10:27:28,141 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 21642,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,154 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/493/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,154 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,155 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,155 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,155 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 493 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,155 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 493)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,156 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 493
2015-03-15 10:27:28,156 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 493)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,156 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 493
2015-03-15 10:27:28,156 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 16757
2015-03-15 10:27:28,156 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 16757,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,169 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/492/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,170 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,170 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,170 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,170 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 492 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,170 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 492)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,171 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 492
2015-03-15 10:27:28,171 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 492)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,171 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 492
2015-03-15 10:27:28,171 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 21860
2015-03-15 10:27:28,172 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 21860,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,185 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/491/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,185 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,185 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,186 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,186 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 491 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,186 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 491)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,186 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 491
2015-03-15 10:27:28,186 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 491)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,187 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 491
2015-03-15 10:27:28,187 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 14204
2015-03-15 10:27:28,187 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 14204,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,201 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/490/COVER_IMAGE HTTP/1.1, headers = [User-Agent: Panasonic MIL DLNA CP UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50,Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:28,201 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,202 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:28,202 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:28,202 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 490 and type 'COVER_IMAGE' received
2015-03-15 10:27:28,203 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 490)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,203 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving info of Cover image with id 490
2015-03-15 10:27:28,203 DEBUG [CoverImageDAOImpl] Reading a CoverImage (id = 490)
2015-03-15 10:27:28,204 DEBUG [CoverImageRetrievalStrategy] Retrieving Cover image (HD) with id 490
2015-03-15 10:27:28,204 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 13208
2015-03-15 10:27:28,204 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Length: 13208,Content-Type: image/jpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:28 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Interactive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:29,031 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:29,034 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:29,034 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:29,042 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,042 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:29,043 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:29,044 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:29 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:29,049 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:29,054 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:00.000-,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:29,055 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:29,055 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:29,057 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,057 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:29,057 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,057 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,058 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,058 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,058 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:29,059 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:29,059 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,059 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,059 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,062 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,062 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:29,062 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,062 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:29,063 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:29,063 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:29,064 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,064 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:29,065 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:29,065 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:29 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=0-7485/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:29,238 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:00.000-,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:29,238 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:29,239 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:29,240 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,240 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:29,240 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,240 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,241 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,242 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,243 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,244 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:29,244 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:29,245 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:29,248 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:29,248 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:29,251 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:29,251 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:29,251 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:29,251 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:29 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=0-7485/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,532 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:30,548 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,549 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,549 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,549 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,549 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:30,550 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,550 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,550 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,551 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,552 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,552 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:30,552 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,553 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:30,554 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,554 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:30,555 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,555 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:30,555 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:30,555 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:30 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,571 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:00.000-,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,571 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,572 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,572 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,572 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:30,572 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,572 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,573 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,573 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,574 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,575 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:30,575 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,575 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:30,576 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,576 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:30,578 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,578 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:30,578 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:30,578 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:30 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=0-7485/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,642 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:30,760 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:00.000-,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:30,760 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,761 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:30,761 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,761 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:30,761 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,761 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,763 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,764 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,764 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,764 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:30,764 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:30,765 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:30,766 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:30,766 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Marking MediaItem (id = 499) as read
2015-03-15 10:27:30,768 DEBUG [LocalContentCacheDecorator] Cleared cache (local_resetafterplay)
2015-03-15 10:27:30,768 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:30,768 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:30,769 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 200 OK, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:30 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=0-7485/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:32,664 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:33,625 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:39,822 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:39,828 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:13.341-00:00:14.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:39,828 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,829 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,830 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,830 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:39,830 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:39,830 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,830 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,831 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:39,831 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:39,833 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:39,834 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:39,834 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:39,836 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:39,836 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 3150848 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 13.341 - 14.341
2015-03-15 10:27:39,836 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:39,837 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:39,837 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:39 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=13.341-14.341/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:40,325 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:00:38.341-00:00:39.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:40,326 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:40,326 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:40,327 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,327 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:40,327 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,327 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,327 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,328 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,328 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:40,328 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:40,328 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,328 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,329 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,329 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,329 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:40,329 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,398 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:40,398 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:40,415 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:40,415 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 9056256 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 38.341 - 39.341
2015-03-15 10:27:40,415 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:40,416 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:40,416 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:40 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=38.341-39.341/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:40,801 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:40,809 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:01:18.341-00:01:19.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:40,809 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:40,809 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:40,810 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,810 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:40,810 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,810 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,810 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,811 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:40,812 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,812 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:40,812 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:40,812 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:40,813 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:40,813 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 18504704 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 78.34100000000001 - 79.34100000000001
2015-03-15 10:27:40,814 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:40,814 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:40,814 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:40 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=78.34100000000001-79.34100000000001/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:44,325 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:02:28.341-00:02:29.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:44,325 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:44,326 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:44,326 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:44,326 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:44,326 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,326 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,327 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,328 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:44,328 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:44,328 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:44,328 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:44,408 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:44,408 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:44,476 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:44,477 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 37675008 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 148.341 - 149.341
2015-03-15 10:27:44,477 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:44,477 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:44,477 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:44 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=148.341-149.341/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:47,799 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:03:38.341-00:03:39.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:47,799 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:47,799 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,800 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,801 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:47,801 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:47,801 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,801 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,802 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:47,802 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:47,802 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:47,802 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:47,802 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:47,803 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:47,804 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 57162752 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 218.341 - 219.341
2015-03-15 10:27:47,804 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:47,804 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:47,804 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:47 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=218.341-219.341/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:49,964 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:51,269 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:04:48.341-00:04:49.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:51,269 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:51,270 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:51,270 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:51,270 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:51,270 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,270 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,271 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,272 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:51,272 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:51,272 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:51,272 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:51,273 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:51,274 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:51,274 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 76938240 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 288.341 - 289.341
2015-03-15 10:27:51,274 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Stream entity has length: 50000000000
2015-03-15 10:27:51,274 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] Creating entity with chunked transfer
2015-03-15 10:27:51,274 DEBUG [ResourceTransportRequestHandler] HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content, headers = [[Content-Type: video/mpeg,Cache-control: no-cache,Connection: close,Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2015 15:27:51 GMT,realTimeInfo.dlna.org: DLNA.ORG_TLAG=*,Server: Windows 7, UPnP/1.0 DLNADOC/1.50, Serviio/1.5.1,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=288.341-289.341/7485,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming]]
2015-03-15 10:27:53,365 DEBUG [WebServer] I/O error: Connection reset by peer: socket write error
2015-03-15 10:27:54,768 DEBUG [ServiioHttpService] Incoming request from / GET /resource/499/MEDIA_ITEM/AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO-0/ORIGINAL HTTP/1.1, headers = [Host:,TimeSeekRange.dlna.org: npt=00:05:58.341-00:05:59.341,transferMode.dlna.org: Streaming,Connection: keep-alive]]
2015-03-15 10:27:54,768 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:54,768 DEBUG [RendererDAOImpl] Reading a Renderer with ip address
2015-03-15 10:27:54,769 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Resource request accepted. Using client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:54,769 DEBUG [ResourceDeliveryProcessor] Request for resource 499 and type 'MEDIA_ITEM' received
2015-03-15 10:27:54,769 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,769 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,769 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Retrieving resource information for item 499, format AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO and profile Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] Getting media info for transcoded version of file Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [MediaResourceRetrievalStrategy] Getting information about media item 499 (local)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [MediaItemDAOImpl] Reading a MediaItem (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,770 DEBUG [VideoDAOImpl] Reading a Video (id = 499)
2015-03-15 10:27:54,771 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering item '499' for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:54,771 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Delivering file 'Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4' using transcoding
2015-03-15 10:27:54,771 DEBUG [AbstractTranscodingDeliveryEngine] A suitable transcoding job already exists, re-use it for client 'Identifier=, Profile=Panasonic Viera E/S/ST/VT (2011)'
2015-03-15 10:27:54,771 DEBUG [FileBasedTranscodingDeliveryStrategy] Sending transcoding stream
2015-03-15 10:27:54,773 DEBUG [VideoDeliveryEngine] Found Format profile for transcoded file "Into.the.Woods.2014.mp4": AVC_TS_MP_HD_AC3_ISO
2015-03-15 10:27:54,773 DEBUG [GETMethodProcessor] Delivering bytes 99805184 - 50000000000 from transcoded file, based on time range 358.341 - 359.341

I could not upload all the logs, too many characters.
Man I wish I were better at this!


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DLNA master

Posts: 5248

Joined: Fri Aug 17, 2012 10:22 pm

Location: Washington (the state)

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:16 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

First, I wanted to let you know that we have seen your post, but some of us (such as myself) can't assist with this particular issue.

There are two ways to make it easier to share your logs with us. First would be to zip it into a file and upload it. This allows someone to perhaps view it more easily than directly from the forum page. The other method keeps your post from growing so huge, and that is using the "Code" button in the toolbar above. This adds the Code tags that you can paste the log information inside. This puts it all inside that scrollable window.

I will say that I've never had great success using FF/Rewind with a video that requires transcoding. My Panasonic TV uses the profile you mentioned, and I can't recall if I've ever done anything other than pause. If I get a chance I'll try it out.

LG NANO85 4K TV, Samsung JU7100 4K TV, Sony BDP-S3500, Sharp 4K Roku TV, Insignia Roku TV, Roku Ultra, Premiere and Stick, Nvidia Shield, Yamaha RX-V583 AVR.
Primary server: Intel i5-6400, 16 gig ram, Windows 10 Pro, 22 TB hard drive space | Test server Windows 10 Pro, AMD Phenom II X4 965, 8 gig ram

HOWTO: Enable debug logging HOWTO: Identify media file contents


Streaming enthusiast

Posts: 26

Joined: Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:35 pm

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 7:51 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

Thanks for the reply.

Fast forward, rewind, pause all used to work flawlessly. The newer version seems to have eliminated that option, or maybe more specifically (I dont want to seem like I'm making any accusation about the newer version, it certainly may be something else) it just stopped working. Even pause isnt an option. I dont get it.

Code button, got it.

Are there previous versions available?


DLNA master

Posts: 2257

Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:16 pm

Location: Adelaide, Australia

Post Sun Mar 15, 2015 10:12 pm

Re: Trouble streaming to TCL42E5

Same than 1.5.1, just change version on link:

http://download.serviio.org/releases/se ... -setup.exe

Afaik nothing was changed between versions that should affect this, so I'd be surprised reverting back fixes the issue. Let us know though one way or the other.

Ps. Is it just this file or all MP4 files?
Panasonic Viera FX800A | Panasonic Viera CS610A | Sony PS4 | Sony PS3 | Panasonic DMP-BD79 | Yamaha RX-V500D | iPad | Windows 10 | Serviio 1.10.1 Pro
WinHelper | MediaInfo

Beta Tester, Moderator
Please do not PM me for support as any solution cannot be shared with others.

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