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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:07 pm

Re: YouTube

I took an existing playlist with 15 files (which Serviio listed correctly) and added 1 new file to it.
When viewing the playlist with serviio the new file did not show up.
I added files 1 though 4 a second time to the playlist.
There should now be 20 files in the list shown here http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/play ... FE5FE2?v=2 but I still only the original 15 showing up when using serviio.
Youtube shows all 20 files.
Google Reader shows all 20.
When viewing youtube directly with the Sony smp-n100, it shows all 20 files.
Why will Serviio only show the original 15 and not the added 5 as well?
It can not be something specific to files 1 - 4 since they appear once in the list already so why would they not be shown the second time?


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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 7:17 pm

Re: YouTube

Has your RSS feed updated ?
How many items do you have in serviio to retrieve ?


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Post Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:04 pm

Re: YouTube

NX3 wrote:Has your RSS feed updated ?
How many items do you have in serviio to retrieve ?
How do I verify that feed has updated? I have it retrieving 15 items. Max # of feed to retrieve is set to 50. interval is 24 hours, quality is Medium.
Things just keep getting worse. I restarted Serviio. After about 5 minutes it slowly started to list the playlists. Then something happened and it stopped updating. It wasn't totally frozen, but it wasn't communicating. It said server was running. It wouldn't shutdown. Had to end processes. Some how it affected firefox in a way that no links would work. I saw this earlier today as well. I restarted serviio, but it never would get running. Had to kill processes again. I restarted the computer. By then I'm thinking virus or rootkit. So I checked and found nothing like that. Firefox is going again and Serviio is running too. Took forever to get going. Now the playlist that was showing 15 instead of 20 is working correctly, but I still have problems with other playlists like only showing 3 out of 5 files.
I've beta tested and hacked on all sorts of stuff over the years, but Serviio is turning into the most frustrating thing I've seen.
I get this dozens of times slightly different code each time it tries to retrieve
2011-12-31 16:26:55,093 WARN  [FeedUpdaterThread] Failed to retrieve feed item information for http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v19.lscache4.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?sparams=id%2Cexpire%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Csource%2Cratebypass%2Ccp&fexp=912207%2C906355%2C900203&itag=43&ip= It might not play.
java.io.IOException: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video codec.
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.updateLazyLoadedProperties(FeedUpdaterThread.java:188)
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.run(FeedUpdaterThread.java:93)
Caused by: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video codec.
   at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.validateCodecsFound(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.java:324)
   at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.retrieveMetadata(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.java:68)
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.updateLazyLoadedProperties(FeedUpdaterThread.java:169)
   ... 1 more
Don't ask me where this http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v19.l ... outube.com stuff is coming from. I'm am on comcast, but I don't know what it has to do with anything unless that is like a "page not found" sort of thing. Passive DNS from google?
I cleared out every playlist and rebooted. Then I started adding back in playlists. What I found is if a playlist is one of the "problem" lists which do not load all files such as http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/play ... 962ABB?v=2 it creates the error above. A list which loads properly such as http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/play ... D79963?v=2 does not does not give the error. Why can Serviio not retrieve them, but other applications can? And more importantly, how do I get it to run right?


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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:12 pm

Re: YouTube

I ended up loading just 3 playlist which worked fine and caused no errors.
I left the computer alone and did not use my streaming box for about 17 hours. When I came back, I checked the log. Nothing happened for 11+ hours then...
2012-01-01 05:27:46,389 WARN  [FeedUpdaterThread] Failed to retrieve feed item information for http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v2.lscache3.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?sparams=id%2Cexpire%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Csource%2Calgorithm%2Cburst%2Cfactor%2Ccp&fexp=909339&algorithm=throttle-factor&itag=34&ip= It might not play.
java.io.IOException: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type.
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.updateLazyLoadedProperties(FeedUpdaterThread.java:188)
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.run(FeedUpdaterThread.java:93)
Caused by: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type.
   at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.validateCodecsFound(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.java:318)
   at org.serviio.library.metadata.FFmpegMetadataRetriever.retrieveMetadata(FFmpegMetadataRetriever.java:68)
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.updateLazyLoadedProperties(FeedUpdaterThread.java:169)
   ... 1 more

It logs 3 errors like this. There are 3 playlists. Actually 1 playlist, 1 uploads and 1 favorites from 2 different users.
Then I get one of these errors.
2012-01-01 05:28:48,451 WARN  [FeedUpdaterThread] An error occured while scanning for online feed information, will continue
java.net.SocketException: No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): connect
   at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.socketConnect(Native Method)
   at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(Unknown Source)
   at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(Unknown Source)
   at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
   at java.net.SocksSocketImpl.connect(Unknown Source)
   at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
   at java.net.Socket.connect(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.NetworkClient.doConnect(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.openServer(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.<init>(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.http.HttpClient.New(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getNewHttpClient(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.plainConnect(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
   at sun.net.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.getInputStream(Unknown Source)
   at com.sun.syndication.io.XmlReader.<init>(XmlReader.java:237)
   at org.serviio.library.online.feed.FeedParser.parse(FeedParser.java:95)
   at org.serviio.library.online.OnlineLibraryManager.findFeed(OnlineLibraryManager.java:155)
   at org.serviio.library.online.OnlineLibraryManager.findFeed(OnlineLibraryManager.java:169)
   at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.run(FeedUpdaterThread.java:86)

Then the pattern starts all over again at a rate of about once per minute. It has been doing this for 7 hours and continues to do so.
I also found that Firefox was no longer working again.
Closing Firefox and reopening it does not fix the problem.
Serviio is shown as off line by my smp-n100. The box can connect to other services.
Serviio console tabs work and I can add things, but it won't save them. Can not force refresh. Can not stop server.
But Serviio keeps logging the types of errors listed above. It took less than 7 hours for the log file to become 5.3Mb in size.
Exiting Serviio has no effect. Console and the 2 services continue to run.
Taskmgr says ServiioConsole is using 62,380K ram. ServiioService using 304K. Other Serviioservice 59,276K
0% cpu is used by serviio except every minute or so it goes to about 2% for a second. (probably writing error in log)
I had to end task on each process.
Restarted Firefox. Still not working. No links, refreshes, page loads. No 404 error either. You click and the screen does not change. You can switch tabs and other things though. This problem never happened until I started to add playlists to Serviio.
IE will not connect. IE does give a 404 error.
Computer can ping google.
Running XP pro SP3.
Nothing is on a wireless connection.
Computer shows that it is disconnected from the other computer on the network in Network Places, however the other computer can connect to it.
I Restarted computer.
Everything works again.
It seems like the computer just got hung up, but I've never seen this problem before adding playlists. I'm going to let it run and see what happens. I've just spent another 3 hours checking and documenting this thing and it's only 3PM here. This problem still doesn't seem to be related to why my Serviio and smp-n100 load incomplete playlists. Both incomplete but in different ways. I'm getting real sick of this. This stuff shouldn't be rocket science. Actually, I wish it was. Rocket science is easier :roll:


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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:52 pm

Re: YouTube


Your on comcast and they are cache youtube for you it looks like. You using Comcast DNS I presume ? Have you thought about using OpenDNS or Google DNS to get around whatever Comcast are up to ?


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Post Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:51 pm

Re: YouTube

I would suggest that you wait for the 6.1 release I expect in the next few days. There is just too much fixed in it to spend time diagnosing a 6.0.1 problem. My 2 cents.


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:38 am

Re: YouTube

jhb50 wrote:I would suggest that you wait for the 6.1 release I expect in the next few days. There is just too much fixed in it to spend time diagnosing a 6.0.1 problem. My 2 cents.
Sounds good to me. I'm about ready to throw everything out the window. I think I am dealing with multiple things.
1) In another thread, viewtopic.php?f=11&t=4487#p30511 I questioned if the way the smp-n100 is working with youtube isn't due to the horrible changes that youtube did to the site in the beginning of December. Since then, I've found more improper functioning of youtube on the box, but I never posted it as the thread should be split since it is going off topic. Anyway, that's how I ended up here trying to run the plugin and playlists.
2) I may have discovered that these possible youtube problems may also be effecting Serviio.
3) Problems which seem to be something to do with Serviio messing up things on this computer or maybe it is something in the data coming from youtube that is causing the problem with Serviio which then causes a problem for my computer?
4) Something to do with my isp Comcast.
5) Something farted.
I think I need some Roundup. There are just too many weeds to pull out. I'm just going to let it run and see if this Serviio/Firefox/Network problem happens again. Hopefully, the new version will fix some of these problem, but not create more.
I just had a chat with Comcast online support regarding the comcast cache thing since I couldn't google anything that really explained it. Basically, that whole comcast cache thing seems to be just the exact route that it takes to try to get to the files. The support guy suggested flushing dns. Here's the whole chat. I was surprised that he had any idea what I was talking about.
jctoad: My Issue: What is the deal with http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v19.lscache4.c.youtube.com/

Dominic: Welcome to Comcast! We are proud of our Customer Guarantee, which includes being here for you, 24/7!

Dominic: Hi, jctoad. How may i help you with this link?

jctoad: What does this link do? It is causing problems with my DLNA

Dominic: may i ask where did you get this link?

Dominic: Was this on your email?

jctoad: from an application log

jctoad: 2012-01-01 05:27:46,389 WARN [FeedUpdaterThread] Failed to retrieve feed item information for 5422D0A01D08.2A7F8245416408CA1626483D67FBB2DABAE367&source=youtube&expire=1325435543&key=yt1&ipbits=8&factor=1.25&cp=U0hRSlROU19JTUNOMV9MSFdGOklHY2RKd0FqRkFu&id=a6c03f91341bdeb2." target="_blank">http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v2.lscache3.c.youtube.com/videoplayback?sparams=id%2Cexpire%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Csource%2Calgorithm%2Cburst%2Cfactor%2Ccp&fexp=909339&algorithm=throttle-factor&itag=34&ip= It might not play. java.io.IOException: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type. at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.updateLazyLoadedProperties(FeedUpdaterThread.java:18 at org.serviio.library.online.metadata.FeedUpdaterThread.run(FeedUpdaterThread.java:93) Caused by: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video file type. at

Dominic: jctoad, Just to set your expectation. Due to browser security. i would be unable ot check this link.

Dominic: may i ask how is it causing problems with your DLNA

Dominic: Are you trying to stream a video from this link?

jctoad: The server is supposed to load playlists from youtube to be streamed to a set top box. It causes the server to lock up

jctoad: I am trying to stream but not from that link.

Dominic: may i ask when did you encounter this issue?

Dominic: Was there any changes lately to yoru operating system?

jctoad: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/playlists/B1BB9C0EFE5FE2?v=2 is an example of one of the links. Somehow it seems like comcast is caching things and causing problems

jctoad: No recent changes

Dominic: Just to clarify, i understand tiy are trying to stream videos from certain links and you are getting the error above.

jctoad: that is correct.

Dominic: may i ask if you are having issue surfing as well?

Dominic: What i meant was aside from straming videos, do you have issues with accessing certain sites as well?

jctoad: At the time the problem was happening I was.

Dominic: Are you using a router or a direct connection to the modem?

jctoad: The application is Serviio. I've been posting about the problem, but no one is really sure about what is going on with the original link in question

jctoad: there is a router. Even when I was having problems, I was still able to ping google.

jctoad: ^posting on Serviio forum.

jctoad: I'm impressed that you seem to have some clue what I am talking about

Dominic: Just to set your expectation, comcast doesnt block yor access to sites.

jctoad: No i wasn't saying that.

Dominic: You can try to bypass the router and check if yuo are still getting the same error since routers have a firewall.

Dominic: However based on the error, it just fshows that the format of the file is unknown.

Dominic: Since you can ping a site like google shows that you have interent connection.

Dominic: What we can recommend wouild be to cotnact the admin of set -top box for additionla sipport.

jctoad: I can't really bypass the router. Yes the ping is the surprising part.

jctoad: It isn't the box. It's the server app that is giving the error.

Dominic: support. My apologies for the typo error.

Dominic: If the application is giving you the error , it would be recommended to contact the manufacturer of the application since on our end we can only check if your modem is online and working properly.

jctoad: right now i'm just trying to figure out what o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v2.lscache3.c.youtube.com is

Dominic: this would just be the path that you tube is taking through comcast servers in order to locate the path of the file.

jctoad: ok I'm thinking

jctoad: you mean the way that my computer is negotiating to get to youtuve?

jctoad: or the route that youtube is sending the info?

Dominic: Yes, it would be the way that your computer path to you tube.

Dominic: The last statement of the error is the key.

jctoad: So does comcast cache the file? Is that part of the speedboost thing?

Dominic: Since it shows that the file is of unknown file typr.

Dominic: Speedboost doesnt catch files. waht sppedboost does os to increas the speed when you are dolwloadig a file or data.

Dominic: There is no settings nor do comcast block websites frombeing accessed.

jctoad: What is weird is that it is not an unknown codec. Things were running fine all on its own for 11+ hours. Then in the middle of the night I start getting an error for every playlist cycling through about once every minute. No one knew why I was getting the comcast cache part.

Dominic: Due to browser securtiy , i wouild be unable to access the link that you provided.

jctoad: Are you starting to see a lot of questions that are related to streaming problems now? Seems like everyone is trying to get into it.

Dominic: For streaming videos, there are issue concerning slow streaming.

jctoad: You mean you can't link to http://forum.serviio.org/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3276&=30952#p30896

jctoad: my speed if just fine for streaming. I think a lot of people try to do it wirelessly adn that gives them problems a lot of the time.

jctoad: So I guess the answer is that the link is the specific path that is being used to get to the file. Some one suggested using an openDNS instead of comcast's but I don't think that would make a difference do you?

Dominic: This is not a guarantee but you can try to flush /register your DNS and see it it helps.

jctoad: How do I do that?

Dominic: Go to the Dos Command Screen of yoru computer.

jctoad: http://www.serviio.org/ is the DLNA app that I am using if you want to check it out later.

Dominic: This would be the black screen.

Dominic: Then type in : ipconfig/flushdns

Dominic: press enter.

Dominic: After that type in : ipconfig/registerdns

Dominic: press enter.

jctoad: Can I do this now? Do I have to reboot?

Dominic: This is a possibl;ity that we may lose connection.

jctoad: I will copy and save for later then.

jctoad: I googled for info on that o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v19.lscache4.c.youtube.com but I couldn't find anything that explained what it was about.

Dominic: Also tried to locate the errror on my end and also got the same results,. No close defintion found.

jctoad: Another internet mystery. LOL I'll try flushing it later. This has been a complicated and frustrating problem for everyone. So you have shed some light on the subject. Thanks


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 4:36 am

Re: YouTube

dear all, anybody know how to play video in 720p resolution?

Thanks a lot


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 9:30 am

Re: YouTube

I'm not sure but here is a guess. If you login to youtube with your computer and go to http://www.youtube.com/account_playback and set it to "Always play HD when switching to fullscreen (when available)"
Then login to youtube with your streaming device and see how it plays. However, I don't think this would work if you are playing it through Serviio as an Online Source.


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Post Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:25 pm

Re: YouTube

christian_hw wrote:dear all, anybody know how to play video in 720p resolution?

Thanks a lot

Set the quality in the console.


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Post Wed Jan 04, 2012 7:20 pm

Re: YouTube

The problem as posted above viewtopic.php?f=20&t=3276&start=80#p30951 happened again a couple of days ago using what was thought to be "good" playlists forcing a complete restart of the computer. It took hours before serviio started to have problems with the feed.
I did figure out that http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v15.l ... utube.com/ is part of a real link. Pasting http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v15.l ... b3218657c3 into Firefox will opens and plays video. It works for me anyway. I have also found links to youtube videos posted in forums and blogs in a format like that.
Seviio has said
java.io.IOException: org.serviio.library.local.metadata.extractor.InvalidMediaFormatException: Unknown video codec.
for that link. Is the codec some how being changed or vanishing and serviio doesn't know what to do? Does the link sometimes work and other times not? I would think that I would have tried pasting that link into the browser before and seen it play video.
If this is a bug, it would be nice if it can be fixed as it causes Serviio, Firefox, IE and Windows networking to die with no handy little popup telling you that something has crashed and seems that only a computer restart will get things going again. Maybe the new Serviio will fix the problem? I'm just posting this here for the record before I lose/forget the details.
jhb50 said 0.6.1 would be released around now. Are we still on track for a release?


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Post Thu Jan 05, 2012 5:58 pm

Re: YouTube

Here we go again. Errors started showing up in the log at 12:08 (50 minutes before I posted this) and at that point (or in less than 5 minutes), the computer was no longer fuctional. I had to reboot. The error was
http://o-o.preferred.comcast-iad1.v18.l ... bffb3398bd This video is part of a playlist. The video played when the link is pasted into firefox after the reboot.
I checked Windows Event Viewer and no problems were logged at the time that the problem was happening. I removed that problem playlist (which was thought to be ok) and have added back http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/user ... be-profile which is an upload list and not playlist, but it was posted before as a good example. I'll see what happens.


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Post Thu Jan 05, 2012 7:14 pm

Re: YouTube

I don't see how a youtube playlist is affecting your PC so badly unless the you've got something wrong with your build.

Noboby can test your Comcast specific links bar other Comcast users. You could try booting Ubuntu from a cd (its free), install Serviio and see if the links still cause problems. This would test if the issue is your PC build or something more specific to comcast caching.

I mentioned OpenDNS before, this would avoid Comcast youtube cache, did you try it ? If your not comfortable using OpenDNS you could use Google DNS ?


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Post Thu Jan 05, 2012 8:52 pm

Re: YouTube

I don't see how a youtube playlist is affecting your PC so badly unless the you've got something wrong with your build.
Neither do I.
Noboby can test your Comcast specific links bar other Comcast users. This would test if the issue is your PC build or something more specific to comcast caching.
Thing is, I can't be the only person around on Comcast running Serviio, so either no one is trying to run playlists or I'm the only one that is having this problem.
You could try booting Ubuntu from a cd (its free), install Serviio and see if the links still cause problems.
That's an idea, but I don't have a burner here so I would have to configure it to try to boot from a usb drive and I'm not sure if this computer's bios will do that. I can install it on the other computer on the network and set up the same scenario and see what happens. If the problem doesn't occur on that computer then it must be something specific with this install or this computer. I did have it installed on the other computer for a while when I was trying to get the shared network files working.
I mentioned OpenDNS before, this would avoid Comcast youtube cache, did you try it ? If your not comfortable using OpenDNS you could use Google DNS ?
I don't see why Comcast's dns would be a problem as I assume that everyone on Comcast that uses Serviio would have the same problem unless everyone has changed their dns and no one has told us that. I'm thinking I might try setting up the router to run opendns. However, if it does work, it would be just a work around and still won't answer the question of what is really happening. It would be kind of a hassle if everyone on Comcast has to change to another dns.
Maybe it isn't the playlist at all, but something else that goes wrong. Serviio doesn't know what went wrong so it doesn't log it. The first thing that Serviio sees go wrong is not being able to get to the playlist so it logs that error, but the real cause of that error is unknown. Either way it seems to be related to Serviio since I never had this problem before I started using it. For now I think I am going to let it run with just that upload list and see if it dies or not. Maybe I will reinstall it on the other computer with some of the playlists that I think are causing problems. Having it running on two computers would double my researching speed.


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Post Thu Jan 05, 2012 10:41 pm

Re: YouTube

YouTube doesn't seem to be working for me since the latest Serviio 0.6.1 update.

I made sure to update my plugin as well, but I don't see any tracks showing.
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Post Fri Jan 06, 2012 5:14 am

Re: YouTube

CigDangle wrote:YouTube doesn't seem to be working for me since the latest Serviio 0.6.1 update.

I made sure to update my plugin as well, but I don't see any tracks showing.
I feel your pain. I downloaded a fresh copy to try to install in my second computer. I didn't realize for a while that it was 0.6.1 and not After awhile, it all looks the same. :lol: I have to say that it is worse than ever :cry: The Upload list http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/user ... be-profile still works on 0.6.0 but not on 0.6.1. I do get one file listed, but it says it's corrupt or unsupported when you try to play it. A playlist that I put in there just says 'There is no playable file' when you try to open it. I've got all kinds of new errors in the log too. I did not download a new copy of the plug in. Are we still supposed to use the Online RSS/Atom feed?
<toad wonders off for a while> After some trial and error, yes we still do use the same old feed. I downloaded the new plugin and installed it with the new version and restarted serviio and I got that playlist working :P So yes you do need the new youtube.groovy plugin!. Now the next question is: Will it fix my playlist? Yes it did! At least it did for one playlist http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/play ... D79963?v=2 which would only show parts 1, 4 and 5 out of 5 files. Now it not only shows all 5, but plays them as well. Hopefully it will keep showing them and not cause that computer to die like does with this computer. I feel so much better now. I was starting to think that I was going crazy over the last week or so. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed for now.

To sum it up:
1) download 0.6.1
2) download new youtube.groovy
3) install 0.6.1
4) over write youtube.groovy in C:\Program Files\Serviio\plugins
5) test it with http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/user ... be-profile and http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/play ... D79963?v=2 by entering them as "Online RSS/Atom feed"


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Post Fri Jan 06, 2012 3:58 pm

Re: YouTube

Ultimately, it seems I just needed to remove and re-add my YouTube feeds. They now all work!

Thanks for your help, as I came to this conclusion after testing the feeds you suggested!
Xbox 360 - PlayStation 3 - Sony BDP-S370 - HTC Evo V & HP TouchPad running CM9 (Android) - serviio 1.0.1 - Windows 2003 Server Standard x64 Edition


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Post Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:25 pm

Re: YouTube

I have a problem. I can not see HD Videos from Youtube. Whene i play this i see the low Resolution version but not the HD Stream. I use this Stream: http://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/user ... by=updated and play on a Samsung D Serie (UE40D7080).


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Post Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:05 pm

Re: YouTube

Might have been caused by some recent updates, will be fixed with next patch release.


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Post Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:27 pm

Re: YouTube

Hi... same problem, low resolution HD videos from Youtube,worked perfect before.Waiting for the fix. Tks zip

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