Post Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:28 am

Samsung H264 Level

Just a clean-up item:

The Samsung manual says "Up to H.264 Level 4.1 supported"
The Samsung Profiles comment correctly says:
<!-- Transcode all h264 video with HIGH/MAIN > Level 4.1 on MPEG-TS stream with MPEG2VIDEO and ac3 audio transcoding -->
But the matches all say > 4.2
<Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="high" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
<Matches container="*" vCodec="h264" profile="main" levelGreaterThan="4.2" />
I believe they should all be changed to levelGreaterThan="4.1"

Is this a valid ticket?